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To: alt.magick,alt.magick.order,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion,talk.religion.misc
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Vehmgericht??
Date: 11 Apr 1996 03:08:38 -0700

I am looking for information regarding the Vehmgericht. The information 
that I have been able to get a hold of so far has been somewhat scanty at 

This is what I know so far:

* Founded in 772 C.E. by the Emporer Charles the Great (Charlemagne)
* Secret tribunal made up of various mercenary groups
* Occupied Westphalia, and viewed it as a sacred land
* Originally comprised of five knights of whose names I do not know
* Hired to remove the Saxons and native Pagan religon from the area of 
* The Vehm is thought to origianlly have had connections with the Wild Hunt
* Possible meaning of Vehmgericht could be something close to "Forest Law" 
  or "Tree Law" and be Celtic in origin
* During the fifteenth century, King Robert reformed the Vehm and allied 
  it to the Church via the Inquisition
* All members were initiated in Westphalia on the red earth which they 
  held as being sacred
* One of the chief centers was at Dortmund
* The last local chief, or Friegraf died at the age of 99 in 1826.. His 
  name was Zacharias Lobbecke.  
* They were a magickal order, practicing in a way similar to the 
  magical-geomantic Northern Traditions.

My feelings are that they had other reasons for being in the position 
that they were in. I believe that there is much more reason to this order 
than what initially is seen. I think that the motivating factors of this 
order were hidden, and wish to do a little more research into it. Finding 
information though, is not very easy. If you know or have heard anything 
related to this order, I would be more than grateful for any leads. 

   \\//-------\\                 Heart In Hand,
    \/    O    ||                   Nemesis
         ||---/          (E-mail:
         ||              We are One with the Night,               
     ]===||===[          Palest flesh in soft moonlight.
         ||              Dancing to an ageless tune,
         ||/             Under the eyes of our Mother, the Moon.
| Magick Is The Blood Of The Universe * Light The Candle Under Your Heart |
|  MAGICKAL CODE: MDE/PAS++++++G*(++++)QO++666+Y++WC*N+++PCE++/PSB++++D2  |
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