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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,talk.religion.newage,talk.religion.misc,alt.magick.order
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Theosophy
Date: 22 Sep 1995 11:36:08 -0700

[I visited the US Hq of the Theosophical Society recently.  Nice library.]

[from email: (Joseph P. Fulton)]

Not considered serious only because of the craziness that took place 
due to the gradual degredation of the T.S. by Leadbeater and Arundale.  
By the time the Krishnamurti thing was through, your opinions would 
have been well justified.

H.P.B.'s days, however, were vastly different.  Blavatsky would 
fearlessly take on all groups and individuals who sought, through 
dishonesty or lazy-mindedness to opress anyone.  Her articles on social 
issues were stinging indictments on the religion and culture of her day 
and there was no doubting where she stood.  And the T.S. was considered 
a very serious threat, especially by the Jesuits and other missionary 
groups of the age.  

I look at the modern Theosophical movement and feel a very sick pit in 
my stomach.  It has lost its knowledge, courage and thus, its 
effectiveness.  An institution, once influential upon the highest minds 
of humanity has become a den of psychics, channellers and mentally ill 
people who see things.  There are a small number, perhaps 50 or so 
students of Theosophy who seem to have a grasp of what was intended, 
but they for the most part have no organizational affiliation and 
manage to keep in contact through an informal network.  Several first 
rate publications are produced from this "group" but there is an 
aversion to dealing with the "Theosophical" public (the organized 
Societies) at large.  

I welcome all correspondence from serious students of Theosophy and 
enjoy a good healty debate on various topics.  Oh, by the way, the 
"Yoga" of the Theosophists is "Raja" yoga.  Karma Yoga is something 
that should flow as a natural result.

-------------------------------------------- and another one

Considered a "trans-channeller" by ignoramuses.  The term she used for 
mediums was "Bhoot-dak," a perjorative Sanskrit slang term.

"One can make some interesting sociological observations..."  Of 
course, one can, that after all was their intent.  Pick up a copy of 
the "Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett."  Whatever you believe about 
H.P.B.'s teachers, your sociological observation is explicitly stated 
by them several times, usually in trying to get their highly 
intellectual British correspondents to get rid of their case of "Astral 
Intoxication."  Do you think that it was an accident that one of these 
correspondents, Allen Octavian Hume, was the Founder of the Indian 
National Congress?

What do you mean specialized knowledge?  H.P.B. was intimately 
acquainted with Tibetan Buddhism (the Dalai Lama and the last Panchen 
Lama would vouch for that, and has), something that was absolutely 
unheard of in 1880.  Waddell did not come along with his writings until 
much later.  She was also acquainted with the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. 
The "siddhi's" (Sec. 3, Vibhuti Pada) enumerated certainly were not 
hidden from anyone.  I can't help if most of humanity is either 
preoccupied with life or otherwise too mentally lazy to explore much 
past the box scores.

Anyway, thanks for putting your comments in.  They were generally fair. 
I welcome a reply and wish further correspondence with all serious 
students of Theosophical work.

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