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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.religion.angels,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.religion.gnostic.orders From: (Fr. (I.) N. 333 (666))Subject: Telling of AA for Fr:. Iblis Diavolo Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 05:09:45 GMT 50030709 viii om "Fr:. Iblis Diavolo" : > Tell me of the A:.A:.. Who are they. the AA is the transcendental order of cosmic agents. they are primarily spiritual and may be internal as well or in some combination thereof. "the A.'.A.'." is a name provided by Crowley and GCJones to their particular branch of this body, which they correctly identified in "One Star in Sight" as the Great White Brotherhood, spoken of by countless occultists all over the globe. members of the AA are unknown, though they sometimes gain renown through initiates who have a penchance for publicity. it isn't clear whether the dead are actually a part of their number (e.g. such notables as Chang Tao-Ling!) or if they merely use monikers/handles of the dead as a means of contact. some of my kindred have interpreted their gods as such 'secret chiefs' or superior spirits. character of the members seems to vary somewhat, with usual contentions about their insights, spirit instruction, and the benefits of forming alliances with them. > From where did they come. there are stories. I do not yet believe any of them. > Had they taught Lao Tzu the Tao. the Old Boy (as he is fondly-known) may have been a Star God or supernaturally aged within his mother's womb (said to have been born when 70-80 years old), so it is possible that the Invisible Adepts provided instruction within the womb if this astounding feat was historical (which I doubt). more often the Celestial Masters are said to have instructed other notables like Chang Tao-Ling or Ko Hung or something. the problem with ascribing instructional sources of a non-physical basis is establishing criteria by which we can be sure of the identity of instructor. compare this to the recent descriptions of angelic communications as compared with canine conversations. > How do I join. attempt transphysical or physical contact. the latter is usually proffered by human beings and may be questioned as to its authenticity (the better aspirants have one-on-one connections with the more exalted or supreme adepts, usually transphysical). there seems to be a kind of 'step-down' as one moves a distance from the Invisible Adepts and takes instruction from their material intercessors. one might compare it with the degradation after a supposed World Teacher dissolves and leaves a wake of Adepti Students. > Are we not all members in the A:.A:. institution. apparently not. there's some evidence that it is some kind of secret adept system which restricts membership. there are even contentions that members never reveal their membership to others and that for this reason anyone who claims to be one is probably lying. it's the same old conundrum. Zanoni. Sanctuary Clouds. > Fool yourselves no longer. You do not and cannot > manipulate reality. Reality manipulates you. one or the other, eh? :> > Tell me of the A:.A:.. half comic interlocutors, half cosmic-interlopers fr. (i.) n. 333 (666)
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