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To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi From: Re OšStatSubject: Re: OTO and Thelema Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:40:03 GMT In article <8kfl6m$sl4$>, wrote: > ... there are multiple organizations such as the from as small as the > OTA and to as a large as the AMORC which seem to avoid these debacles. > > nguyen > LOL! Read Nelson Whitešs book which covers the OTA or read _The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America_ by Clymer (an admitted opponent to Lewis, founder of the AMORC) to find out about old and older (respectively) debacles in these groups. More recently, AMORC has gone through a split (wherein the leader, allegedly, ran off with all the money). Debacles seem to follow those organizations, too. Perhaps we should look at the information rather than the individuals? Re
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