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What is the OTO?

From: Paul Hume 
Subject: What is the OTO?
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 14:26:30 -0400

Jim -
> Excuse me for being stupid, but what exactly is OTO?
OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis, and by some remarkable twist of bad
Latin, this has often (dating back to Karl Kellner, the Order's founder,
and appearing since then in Order literature) been rendered Order of
Oriental Templars, as well as (correctly) Order of the Temple of the
Orient, or of the East.

Founded around the turn of the 19th century by Kellner, led, after him,
by Theodor Reuss, Crowley succeeded to head the order in the 1920's,
though there was a schism at that point, with some lodges rejecting his
leadership. Within the Order as led by Crowley, the Book of the Law was
used as the sole VSL, and the initiations rewritten to apply
specifically Thelemic views of the degree teachings. OTO, from its
inception, maintained that it possessed (and possesses) a particular
formula of sex magick which casts light upon Masonic and other esoteric
symbolism. Crowley further refined "The Secret," to be an effective
engine for advancing the purpose of the Order, which is the
establishment of the Law of Thelema.

After Crowley's death, he was succeeded by Karl Germer, a point of
lineage most people agree on (though even there, I believe Mr. Grant
maintains that Germer missed Crowley's intentions for the Order) and
after Germer's death the splits which generated most of the current
controversy arose. As you can see, there is a wide range of opinion on
whether there is any "true" OTO, and if there is, which. I will note
that I am an initiate of what is sometimes called the Caliphate OTO, its
lineage descended through Grady McMurtry, and by that membership I'd say
I manifest my own decision regarding the issue, to my own satisfaction
anyway (and as I am the only person I feel a need to satisy in this
regard, it works fo me (g)).

> And is everyone aware of the similarity between Crowleys teachings and the teachings of LaVey?

You mean the parts Anton explicitly co-opted, the bits it would appear
he ripped off (by which mean used almost verbatim but without
acknowledgement), or the parts that seem original with him, which you
apprently feel resemble Crowley's?

Not my cuppa, and I feel Lavey, and on a more elevated plane, Aquino,
miss some of the music even where they have the words, but it may just
be that I am tone  deaf in those keys.

Was there a point to the question, by the way?

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