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review of O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick

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Subject: review of "O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick"
by Reuss, Crowley
[and others], edited by A.R. Naylor, introduced by P.R. Koenig,
notes by Naylor and Koenig.

those interested in the Reuss OTO may find this text a valuable
addition to their library. it contains materials previously
published in "The Equinox" and in King's "The Secret Rites of
O.T.O." (notably those published by Crowley) and is organized
along the lines of the King book but without as much expertise.

the contents appear to be faithfully rendered, though editing
was slightly shipshod -- typos (such as on page 318 "ENEGIZED 
ENTHUSIASM") and unattributed sources and notes (sources for
most texts were neglected, page 448 note was unidentified as 
such and ambiguous as to origin) marred an otherwise clever
and intriguing presentation.

modern Crowley rites unfortunately reproduce the King text, 
omitting key descriptions such as those of the Grip and Step. 
on the other hand, in some cases the Naylor edition contained 
greater detail on the Crowley rite instructions than did King 
(e.g.  page 269 "De Natura Deorum") and include additional 
materials (such as "Liber LXX" -- 'a ceremonial assumption
of the Curse of the Grade of Magus', being a frog-crucifixion 
rite by Crowley).

the Table of Contents was horridly sparse on proper 
information, making the lack of an index all the more
problematic. in many cases the authors for the works contained
in the text were not noted except in the book's interior,
making it more difficult to understand the lovely comparison
being made between the Reuss and Crowley texts. this pattern
of comparison was abandoned at the end of the text (when
looking at the Gnostic Mass) in an unfortunate editing snafu.

while valuable articles such as "The Ritual of Passing Through 
the Waters", "The Ritual of Passing Through the Earth",
"De Arte Magica", "Amrita", "Emblems of Mode and Use" were
provided to the interested reader who may not have had such
texts through alternative sources (whether Crowley's own
publishing efforts or through those who wished to assist on
their own), some contents are misidentified (such as "Aleister
Crowley XI'", which is little more than an editorial rather
than a ritual or instruction) or attributed unclearly 
(W.B. Crow was the author of the material presented under 
"O.H.O. XII", but Aleister Crowley's text was presented as an
introduction and Crowley's materials are not clearly 
distinguished from Crow's in the book's interior).

those who profess the opinion that the Naylor edition is
no more than a King re-issue are missing the striking
differences of opinion voiced by Koenig in the introduction
and through many of his inter-textual notes. Naylor 
apparently shares the opinions of Koenig as their comments
and notes do not seem to be in any conflict, and these are
very much at odds with those expressed by King (e.g. King
claims Kellner started the OTO, Naylor/Koenig claim that
Kellner was never a member of any OTO; King says of Reuss
that he was "converted to 'Crowleyanity'" and "verbally 
nominated" Crowley as his successor while Naylor et al 
indicate that he "expelled Crowley from the Order").

if anything this text appears to be a RESPONSE to King's
text, supporting the comparison between Crowley and Reuss 
in order to discern the differences and potentially 'non-
Thelemic' perspective which Reuss is said to have maintained. 
contenders for the OTO crown or those who would profit in an 
examination of said contention will find definite value in 
this text, whatever structural problems may be inherent to 
its publication.

given that the King book fetches quite a sum as sold via
services like EBay or Bibliofind, it is likely that this
text will be more difficult to acquire used than new, and
its $50 (US) cover price is reasonable given the sometimes
hard-to-obtain materials it contains. perhaps in future
editions Naylor will take lessons from Deveney's academic
and classic publications (such as "The Hermetic Brotherhood
of Luxor" with Chanel and Godwin, or his book on Paschal
Beverly Randolph), which I would consider essential
supplements to either the King or Naylor compilations.

---------------------------------------------- review ends

"O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick" is available from (Mr Fernee) -- who offered me 
a complimentary copy in exchange for this review.
here is his contact and pricing information:

	Price British Pounds (BP) 29.99 (approx. US $50) 
	plus postage as follows:-
	UK - BP 1.50 (total BP31.49)
	Overseas surface post BP 3.79 (total BP 33.78 approx. US $55)
	Americas airmail BP 8.29 (total of BP 38.28 approx US $60)
	Far East airmail BP 9.25 (total of BP 39.24 approx US $63)
	Europe airmail BP 3.61 (total of BP 33.60 approx US $54)

	Ben Fernee,
	Caduceus Books,
	PO BOX 5349,
	Stoney Stanton,
	LE9 4ZJ.

	Tel. 01455 250542, + 44 1455 250542 from overseas
	also 07071 880742, +44 7071 880742 from overseas
	Fax. 0870 0552982, +44 870 0552982 from overseas
	Web pages
	Private premises, visitors very welcome by appointment, please 
	get in contact for address & directions.
	Please note parcels should be sent to:-
	28 Darley Rd., Burbage, Hinckley, Leicester, LE10 2RL, England.
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