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Red Flame Reference

Subject: Red Flame Reference

                                RED FLAME
                       A Thelemic Research Journal
                               Issue No.7

                          by Jerry Cornelius

All rights reserved. No part of these lessons may be reproduced in any form
without permission in writing from the copyright proprietor.
Published in the United States by A\A\
New and Revised Edition Copyright C 1998 ev
Please do not send letters regarding A\A\ or these Lessons to the address for
Red Flame. All correspondence should be sent to:

The Throne of the Double-Wanded One Clerk House
Frater ZLA 282 7=4
P.O. Box 20035, Oakland, CA 94620-0035

Limited to 156 copies.
Issued October 12th 1999 e.v.
Copyright C 1999 e.v.
J. Edward & Marlene Cornelius
P.O. Box 11693, Berkeley, CA 94712-2693

April 2000:

93. I hope you enjoy this material. When we published Red Flame No.7
we were surprised that it went out-of-print in less than eighteen days.
So, please do not write us looking for copies. If you have any
comments, feel free to write.
All mentions of 'OTO' refer to 'OTO Inc' unless noted.
93 93/93 AO583

                             - AN APOLOGY -

             Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. - AL I:40

          I should not have to begin an issue of Red Flame with an apology
  but under the circumstances it seems appropriate, if not necessary.  Many of
  us have been extremely tolerant over the years.  However, there is only so
  much one can take before feeling obligated to speak out.
          Since the death of our beloved Grady Louis McMurtry a new branch of
  the A\A\ has been guiding the Ordo Templi Orientis.  This branch is run
  by some of Marcelo Motta's students.  In a recent issue of The Magical
  Link they have come out rather boisterously proclaiming that they, and they
  alone, are the undisputed 'traditional authority' of A\A\. If they hadn't
  come out with such pomposity and arrogance then my Introduction to this
  issue would not have been necessary.  One of the branches of Grady
  McMurtry's A\A\ lineage, quiet for almost fifteen years since his death,
  would have remained hidden.  In truth, this is exactly how I would have
  liked it.  However, the actions of Motta's students were a direct affront and
  attack on every lineage, including myself and my students. I took personal
  umbrage to the dispassionate slander gracing the pages of a fraternal
  magazine which my OTO dues help produce.  It has forced me to come out
  swinging in order to clarify my own position.  Too many of my students
  have been writing to inquire about details of what they've read or even
  heard in regards to attacks, slander and lineage bashing by Motta's students.
  Many wonder where they fit into the picture or if our lineage is next on the
  list to be publicly persecuted. I, therefore, feel obligated to make a rebuttal.
  There is no animosity in my heart toward Mottaites as a whole, I feel the
  world is big enough for all of us, but if outsiders have read the article in the
  last issue of The Magical Link, then please, just Consider the Source.
          What infuriated me most was the sarcastic condemnation of the idea
  of 'lineages' as an 'erroneous notion' of our beloved Soror Meral's
  bloodline which, in fact, it is not.  Here and in other places they have
  publicly attacked her and her lineage, trying hard to find 'discrepancies'
  with this gentle woman's claims, in an attempt to drag her down and
  discredit her and her students.  This woman stands as a giant among us.  She
  has done so much for Thelema since 1939 and is such a beautiful person,
  that she deserves far better.  Being an historian I can say with all honesty
  that I can find flaws in everyone's claims, even in Aleister Crowley's own
  accomplishments.  To many outsiders the mere mention of Crowley's name
  evokes something hideously evil, but on another level he has been, and still
  is, loved to such extremes that he is considered one of the greatest prophets
  of our time.  In which extreme do you wish to wallow?  Even my own
  teacher, Grady McMurtry, has enough dirt in his background to sink a
  battleship.  It won't change my views about him but, if that's where your
  head space is at, lowering others in order to prove your own greatness, then
  so be it, disclose it.  However, before Motta's students start throwing stones
  they should remember that if the shoe were on the other foot would they
  like someone publicly disclosing their dirty little laundry?  Some might
  claim this to be counter-productive but in Truth it would reveal to the
  public that Motta's students put their pants on one leg at a time and that
  they, like every other bloodline, have something hidden in their past which
  could easily, and I mean very easily, show their claim to even being A\A\
  is erroneous.  Yet, instead of taking the gloves off why can't we all simply
  get along and be honest?  Although we're all legitimate in some respect or
  another, no modern bloodline is exempt from a shady background.  So, how
  far do we want to go at bashing each other in the public's eye?  As I've
  often said, what would it really prove?  That you're more 'spiritually'
  capable of guiding humanity forward into the New Aeon than the next guy?

                   Love is the law, love under will. - AL I:57
                                                       Frater Achad Osher 583

  This on line version contains only the Apology, the Introduction and
  An Open Epistle Regarding Francis King's book The Secret Rituals of
  the OTO from 'Red Flame' No.7. The thirteen chapters which are found in
  this issue, titled The Magickal Essence of Aleister Crowley, are not
  reproduced nor are a few other shorter pieces.

  An Open Epistle Regarding Francis King's Book  The Secret Rituals of the OTO 
Also by Jerry Cornelius: Thoughts on Metzger The Warrior-Troubadour, The Life & Times of Grady Louis McMurtry (Red Flame No.1) Myths of the Solar Lodge Revisited (The Scribe, Vol.1 No.7 1997)
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