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R: R:OTO teaching Order

From: "David R. Jones" 
Subject: Re: R: R:OTO teaching Order (waz: Liber Resh)
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 19:54:34 -0800

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Care James

> Please help out.  Would you please post Sabazius' comments on 101, or
> reference them for me.  Thank you.

Since the good Reverend seems to be asleep or resting from his ever vigilant
battles in the cause of Thelema I will post the most interesting revision of
the Prophet's vision of OTO. From and I
am sure copyright OTO.  The text in toto follows my sig. file.

Love is the law, love under will.

David R. Jones aka Prospero
     ICQ 3292245
Magick code:  MEN/TH (# S* W---->----- N++>* PWM/AM++++ Ds@/d++/r+++ A+++
a+++ C++++>* G* QO+++++(#196884q) 666+++ Y+++>++++

A Memorandum Regarding
Liber CI: An Open Letter to Those
Who may Wish to Join the Order

Liber CI sets forth Crowley's vision for O.T.O. as of 1919, now eighty years
ago. Many of its provisions are applicable and operative today. Some, such
as those regarding Profess-Houses and special universities, belong to the
future. Still others are, for practical reasons or due to changes in
cultural paradigms, simply obsolete.

In the interest of clarity, I offer the following list of policy differences
between the OTO envisioned in Liber CI and the OTO as it actually exists
today in the United States.

OTO does not now encourage its members to treat those outside the Order as
inferiors who possess no rights. While we do encourage members to do their
part in recruiting new members, we do not expect or encourage them to
aggressively proselytize among their friends, employers, and any wealthy or
powerful acquaintances they may have. We encourage community and all levels
of social interaction between OTO members, but they remain free to engage in
personal relationships and marriage with whomever they choose, and to
employ, work for, and do business with whomever they choose.

At this time, we do not have official Profess-Houses or special educational
institutions, though we look forward to a day when we will. We do not have
special facilities for the care of children or unwed mothers, nor do we
accept children into any special training or educational programs. While we
offer what assistance we can to the families of members who suffer
bereavement, we do not require our officers to adopt the orphaned children
of members.

We no longer hold ideas of "the frontal duty of womankind" as points of
doctrine. Rather, we emphasize the individuality of all women and all men.

Lodge Masters are encouraged (as are all members) to offer hospitality to
travelling members. However, until such a time as Order-operated lodging
facilities are available, providing hospitality to travelling members is not
considered mandatory.

Members who are professionals, tradesmen, or businessmen are not expected to
donate their products or services to the Order, though such donations are
gratefully received. All members retain full control over their personal
property, except those items of property they may choose to donate to the
Order. The members of the IX° do not hold the property of the Order in
common. The property of the U.S. Grand Lodge is held by the O.T.O. U.S.A.
corporation, in accordance with California non-profit corporation law.

We do offer a variety of methods to relieve the financial burden of dues
payment to members undergoing genuine hardship. However, dues and fees paid
to OTO are not refundable under any circumstances, and OTO does not make
personal loans to its members. Also, dues and fees paid to OTO cannot be
transferred or assigned at any time to a member's heirs or legatees.

Although our Grand Tribunal does provide arbitration for disputes between
members, the services of our legal advisers are not available to members
free of charge. Further, we reserve the right to waive the prohibition
against law suits between members and recuse ourselves from arbitrating any
particular dispute. In fact, it is our policy to do so in the case of
domestic disputes. The Grand Tribunal does not arbitrate disputes between
members and non-members, though we can provide legal referrals to our
members who require them.

Finally, while we encourage members to attend meetings of their Lodge and
Chapter, such attendance is not considered mandatory except under
extraordinary circumstances.

Sabazius X°
National Grand Master General
U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis
April, 1999 EV
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