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Magical Battles with the OTO

To: thelema93-l now
From: (nigris (333))
Subject: Re: Magical Battles with the OTO (was Advice)

49990728 IVom 

a correspondent wrote:
# ># I'd be obliged if you'd show me the Codes of Conduct
# ># for All Magickal Battles....
# >these are conventions I think are well-known.
# I am ignorant of these well known conventions.
# Please hip me up.

I was speaking of the conventions observable in descriptions
contained in internet discussions on "magical battles" which
the author(s) intends to engage, especially to demonstrate
their power and/or magical adeptship. I described them
previously as not including material instruments of
aggression. I also referred to a variety of fictional
stories based on supposed historical events such as legends
about battling sorcerers, "Moonchild", and any number of
fictional stories NOT based on historical events (esp that
which pertains to DnD 'magical contests/battles'). 

if in the "Battle of the Heavyweight Magick Champions" 
the mage suddenly pulls out a dagger and throws it at 
the opponent, and this dagger does not have some sort of
spell which makes it huge or supersharp or whatever -- it
is *just a dagger* -- then this transcends the presumed set
of weaponry (from spells to material weapons) and consti-
tutes a 'low blow' or 'cheating'. 

when a knight takes acid or fast-acting poison into the 
tournament and splashes it at an opponent whose presumption 
had been that these contests would be circumscribed by a 
set of conventions that included only tests of edged and 
pointed weaponry this is more to what I am pointing -- a
kind of chivalrous 'battle'. the poison and acid would 
be better employed in a conflict without such conventions
(consider the 'Geneva Convention' as a slightly-related

while I admit that when an individual asks about just 
*any* kind of battle, they may be desiring advice on all 
manner of antagonistic trick, when someone specifies that
they want advice about a "magical battle", they usually
imply a purely magical struggle. if they'd wanted to know
about other types of assault, they would better approach
a forum on armed conflict of a material type.

I'd compare this to the replies of "go on a diet" and
"plastic surgery" when someone asks about how to engage
'glamour magic'. these material techniques completely
miss the point of the question and might as well be
saying that magic in the style mentioned is 'impossible'
or 'effectless'. why not just say that, rather than to
pretend the inquirer isn't aware of the conventional
means of achieving the same effects in an ORDINARY way?

the notion that 'magic(k)' includes material activity
by virtue of intention or volition is not an old or
popular one, by my measure. typically there is an
associative or symbolic *link* established between what
would otherwise be considered an unrelated act and the
effects desired (sometimes called "sympathetic" and
"contageous" magical acts). the symbolism or proximity
is what clues one in to the potential magical effect.
Crowley's 'every intentional act is a magical act' may
be important as a scientific hypothesis in examining
the basis of magic, but it is not the conventional
understanding of it or what magic includes.

thus when we are talking about a 'magical battle', the
conventions of significance of the very *words* imply
that the struggle is to be undertaken in a dimension
quite *aside* from the physical, being that through
which the powers or effects of symbolism and contageon
may be communicated. to step into a physical battle at
the same time is to transcend the presumed context of
the struggle. where any codes of combat are concerned, 
transcending them in order to be 'victorious' is usually
considered foul, unsportsmanlike, and reprehensible.

blessed beast!

nigris (333)

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