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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.thelema,alt.magick,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.magick.order From: (nigris (333)) Subject: Crowleyites and Evul Meepers Date: 23 Jul 1999 23:17:07 -0700 49990521 IIIom a correspondent wrote: # Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The word of Sin is Restriction. 333: # > that 'Thelemic cult' is an oxymoron and most Crowleyites are not # > Thelemites, though they may style themselves so. # # What is a "Crowleyite?" a Crowleyite is a member of the cult of Crowleyanity, primarily a religion identifying as 'Thelema' which obsesses with the person and writings of one Edward Alexander Crowley yet having very little to do with the finer points of this man's philosophy, having choked on the obvious traps he placed in his wake in order to make these individuals known to the liberated. # I agree that "Thelemic cult" could be considered an oxymoron. what do you think are the characteristics of a 'cult'? # Who are you to judge whether someone is a "true" Thelemite, # or "merely" a "Crowleyite?" I am the prophet of the New Aeon, the Aeon of the Adversary, begun on 9666 with a blood pact with Satan. I am the Black Brother of the Thelemic community (so called), come to test the mettle of Crowleyites and turn them into prophets. I am the Beast Choronzon of many faces and names, set out as the Guardian of the Threshold and Challenger to the Troglodyte. I am the Bringer of Darkness and the Servant of Satan, the Fucking Friar cum to proclaim the wisdom of sex and the folly of unrestrained procreation. I am the Lorax of the Evul Wikkhunz, ever-reminding the 'nature-worshipper' of the Final Pronouncement 'UNLESS'. I am the Forbidden of God, the Mate of the Divine, and Woman of the Most Compassionate. I am the Queen Mother of the West, interpreting the tangle of polar alchemy to the masses and bequeathing the fabled Peaches of Immortality. I am Siva of the nagas, weaving the fabric of the Real from the strands of perception. in short, I AM I! (meep) # > # Both words, Thelema and Thelemite, predate the Book of # > # the Law. # > # > please elaborate on the history of these words as used by those # > beyond Rabelais. # # I am not aware of anything prior to Rabelais. where was 'Thelema' and 'Thelemite' used, within the work of Rabelais or thereafter, by those other than Crowley? what did these usages mean, do you think? re the Evul Book: # ...what do you mean, "Evul?" Is that an alternate spelling of # "Evil?" Or some other reference? Please elaborate. the tar baby of the 'Thelemic' community, comparable to the tar baby of the 'Satanist' community ("The Satanic Bible"), is a trap from which few Crowleyites ever escape. one of the most sublime puzzles ever left by Aleister was the confusion of glory and neurosis compiled in "The Book of the Law". that it was called this by someone so antagonistic to the Religions of the Book (and their Law(s)) that he perpetuated his mother's pet name, 'the Beast 666' and 'To Mega Therion', as his mottos and pseudonyms appears to be lost on the casual or converted reader. like "The Satanic Bible" it is a joke, a horrible, deceptive, wonderful joke set out to enslave those who cannot see their way to transcending the religious errors of the past and manifesting the beauty implied by the best Thelemic minds. a book is 'Evul' when it betrays a particular value yet holds within it a destructive seed if swallowed addictively. it contains liberating medicine, yet if adopted to a routine diet becomes a poison that reduces the mind of the obsessed to a batch of quivering slogans and self-deluding justifications for the problems and errors set out by the man who penned it. I call something 'Evul' when I admire yet am repulsed by some aspect of a thing or person (e.g. blackberry vines and "The Lion King"). I call something 'Evul' when there appears to be preponderance of repulsion to it and yet it contains some liberative value if properly consumed (and for "Liber Al vel Legis", consumption by flames!). blessed beast! (nigris (333)) -- emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired
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