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To: alt.magick,alt.magick.order From: (Bill Heidrick) Subject: Re: Bill .. well kinda.. Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 12:40:43 GMT 93, On 4 May 2004 18:18:54 -0700, (AC) wrote: >> Post Crowley and under Germer -- a tendency to confuse the two in >> casual writing, a speculation that the two might be united under the >> old and lapsed Order of Thelemites. > >Didn't HA believe that he was the Head of the Order of Thelemites? Not by my recollection. There is some belief that Germer thought that of himself. The Order of Thelemites was chartered by Crowley to Th.Windram in South Africa c. 1920's. All that's left of that is Thelema brand wine, from Windram's old farm. According to the story, Germer found a list of names under the head of something like "Order of Thelemites" with every name crossed off but his own. I don't know if such a list was actually found or if it ever existed. >-------------------------------------------------- >If so, when did this order meet its demise? Apparently the Order of Thelemites simply petered out, if Windram ever did anything with it in the first place. > Also, wasn't the Order of >Thelemites seen as a link between OTO and AA? Sort of... Both OTO and A.'.A.'. are mentioned in the founding document, "The Constitutions of the Order of Thelemites". In that, by my reading, it's clear that OT is a sort of front for the other two orders, not mandating any authority from OT to either, but rather from the other two in varying ways in parts of OT operation. Crowley did describe the two orders in the Constitutions, did give the means of succession to headship in A.'.A.'. and did append some of the A.'.A.'. optional initiation rituals to that document. >Wasn't Motta given >membership to this order by Germer? Motta apparently claimed that, but don't remember seeing anything from Germer to that effect in the extensive correspondence between Motta and Germer. 93 93/93 Bill
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