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[t93] AA FAQ

printed from

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick...
From: 333 (nigris) 
Subject: [t93] AA FAQ
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 01:24:24 GMT

-------------------------------------------------------------- AAFAQ begins

        QUESTION: What is the A.'.A.'.?


        key terms (for use in search-engines):
                   astrum argenteum, astrum argentium, astron argon,
                   order of the silver star, A.'.A.'., A:.A:., S.'.S.'., S.S.;
                   [less often A\A\, AA, A.A., A.:A.:, or S:.S:.]

                   george cecil jones, frater d.d.s., volo noscere, gnoscere;
                   aleister crowley, v.v.v.v.v.;
                   karl germer, saturnus

        related terms:
                 secret chiefs, great white brotherhood
                 jane wolfe, estai, phyllis seckler, meral, college of thelema;
                 james eschelman, temple of thelema, tot;
                 marcelo motta, james daniel gunther,
                 william breeze, martin starr,
                 ordo templi orientis, o.t.o., oto; ray eales, h.o.o.r.;
                 william barden, oto foundation; g.m. kelly,
                 gregory von seewald, paul joseph rovelli,
                 euclydes lacerda almeida, frater thor,
                 society ordo templi orientis, s.o.t.o., soto;
                 david cherubim, aurora aureae, thelemic golden dawn, t.g.d., t
                 helen parsons smith, grimaud; ordo argenteum astrum;
                 boboroshi, tokus
        quotes found in a search on some of the above key terms which
         are pertinent to answering the question follow
           1898: By chance and by circumstances [Crowley] is introduced
                 to George Cecil Jones. Jones in turn, introduces him
                 to Samuel Liddel Mathers, chief of The Golden Dawn Society.

           1907: [Crowley] is expelled from Golden Dawn and forms his
                 own order, the Argentum Astrum - The Silver Star.


           In 1906 Crowley rejoined George Cecil Jones in England, where
           they set about the task of creating a magical order to continue
           where the Golden Dawn had left off. They called this order
           the A.'. A.'. (Astrum Argentium or Silver Star), and it became
           the primary vehicle for the transmission of Crowley's mystical
           and magical training system based on the principles of Thelema.

           A.'.A.'. is the one true and invisible Order which has
           operated under various names and guises throughout history
           to guide the spiritual evolution of humanity. The goals of
           the A.'.A.'. are those which have motivated spiritual
           exploration and religious inquiry throughout human history.
           Its methods are those of science; its aims are those of

           It is the Arcanum Arcanorum, and the Holy of Holies wherein
           the Sacred Ark rests inviolate. Every legitimate magical
           order, mystery school, religion, or other agency
           disseminating some portion of Wisdom or Light is or has
           been but an Outer Vehicle of this Inner Fellowship of Light.
           "All words are sacred and all prophets true; save only that
           they understand a little..." (Liber Legis, I:56).

           This is the highest and purest meaning of A.'.A.'.

           More commonly, however, we use the name A.'.A.'. to mean
           not only this Invisible and Eternal Order, but a particular
           outer structure, or terrestrial incarnation of the
           Interior School, which came into being, beginning in
           1906 C.E., at the hands of two Adepts named Aleister Crowley
           and George Cecil Jones. This Order survives today through
           various authentic lineages which can be traced back to
           these two Adepts.
           In the month of December the Secret Chiefs formally invited me,
           through G. R. Frater D.D.S., to take my place officially in the
           Third Order.  I still felt that I was not worthy.  Not till
           three years later did I accept the grade, and then only after
           having passed ceremonially through the Abyss in the fullest
           possible measure.
           "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley", by Crowley, edited by
            Symonds and Grant, Hill and Wang, N.Y., U.S.A., 1969; p. 533.

            The Brothers of A.'.A.'. are one with the Mother of
              the Child.(4)
            The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is to
              the Many.  This is the Love of These; creation-
              parturition is the Bliss of the One; coition-
              dissolution is the Bliss of the Many.
            The All, thus interwoven of These, is Bliss.
            Naught is beyond Bliss.
            The Man delights in uniting with the Woman; the
              Woman in parting from the Child.
            The Brothers of A.'.A.'. are Women: the Aspirants
              to A.'.A.'. are Men.
                                 COMMENTARY ({Gamma})
              Gimel is the High Priestess of the Tarot.  This
            chapter gives the initiated feminine point of view; it is
            therefore called the Oyster, a symbol of the Yoni.  In
            Equinox X, The Temple of Solomon the King, it is
            explained how Masters of the Temple, or Brothers of
            A.'.A.'. have changed the formula of their progress.
            These two formulae, Solve et Coagula, are now ex-
            plained, and the universe is exhibited as the interplay
            between these two.  This also explains the statement in
            Liber Legis I, 28-30.

              (4) They cause all men to worship it.

           "The Book of Lies", Crowley, Chapter 3, 'THE OYSTER', pp. 15-16.

           The result was that The Golden Dawn was destroyed and several
           fractions arose from its ashes. One such fraction was a new
           Order created by Crowley and George Cecil Jones in 1907 e.v.,
           when they corporate to found an Order which were to be known
           as the A.'.A.'.

           The A.'.A.'. purported that it "should be free from the errors
           and deceits of the former one" (Liber LXI, v.20). Opposed to
           the former, serious training started from the very first
           grades and specific and rigid tests were set for each grade,
           to assure that no one could slip through without being
           competent. It is not a teaching Order, but an Order which
           examines each aspirant thoroughly. In 1909 they opened up by
           starting the publication of The Equinox volume One, an
           impressive series of 10 editions printed at each Equinox for
           a five year period. It is now regarded as the corner-stone of
           Crowley's works. The foundation of Crowley's teaching Magick
           had been cast.

           As the A.'.A.'. is not a mundane order, all lineages and all
           people who make the claim that they are A.'.A.'. ...
           are A.'.A.'.. The A.'.A.'. is simply a manifestation of the
           `Great White Brotherhood'. And that collective body of
           individuals has over the span of time, been at the heart
           of humanity's initiation. There is a pantheon of those
           Adepts who have proven themselves to belong to the august
           body from time immemorial. And it seems that it is left up
           to every generation to forge their own links with the
           current, with greater numbers of individuals aspiring to
           this with the onset of each successive generation.

           It could be argued that perhaps some of these once incarnate
           beings number amongst the Secret Chiefs that sanctify and
           edify the Order. Most certainly, there are also inner-plane
           contacts consistently presenting new knowledge; corresponding
           with humanity's present stage of evolution. And it is left to
           those Adepts that can knock on their door, to messenger their
           reception to those of our race who can already hear such
           murmurs in the winds. These Prophets thus become the heralds
           of cerebral and praeter-human delegates ministering to the
           congress of the human race.

           The A.'. A.'. -- You decide what this stands for ;) --
           Crowley's well-known Order - with a structure that is in
           a limited sense comparable to that of the Golden Dawn.
           Since Crowley's death there are several legitimate and
           sometimes illegitimate lineages of the A.'. A.'. out
           there. Beware, beware, beware: Those individuals, who
           will tell you that they are members of the A.'. A.'. are
           it most likely not - those who think they are, probably
           won't tell you soon and those who really are, don't even
           know it themselves, as a friend once put it.

           Yeah, sure, I'm just joking, am I? ;-)) In no particular
             A.'. A.'. This is the Soror Estai (aka Jane Wolfe)
             lineage. On this site you can find the basic A.'. A.'.
             documents and a very good introduction to A.'. A.'.

             Outer College Curriculum Resources contains The
             spiritual guide of Miguel de Molinos and a student
             reading list. As far as I know this is the lineage
             with connections to the O.T.O. with an authority
             through Soror Grimaud.

             A.'. A.'. A very good A.'. A.'. page representing
             another lineage. Same address as given for the O.T.O.
             in Equinox I

             W.R. Barden's A.'. A.'. lineage from Australia.
             (See also the comment on the link to SOTO, Parzival
              Foundation below)

             A.'. A.'. - 'Helios Lineage' I don't know anything
             about this group and the so called Helios lineage, but
             their site is good source for information on A.'. A.'.
             related stuff.


        further studies:

        Crowley's Text

        Posts to T93-L Which May Be of Interest

        Text Online Otherwise
        Other Forums, Related
         "Gems of the Equinox", Crowley, edited by Regardie.

         Marcelo Motta AA Contacts

         Jane Wolfe AA Contacts

         order of kAAos contact

        copyright (c) 2000-2666 nigris (nagasiva yronwode).
        all rights reserved.



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