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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.freemasonry From: catherine yronwodeSubject: Re: Freemasonry and Occultism Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 07:14:03 GMT 333 wrote: > > David Richardson wrote: > # 2) The only reference I could find to "Hermetic masonry" was a book of > # the same name by Frank C. Higgins. I couldn't find any reference to > # it from any masonic resource. [This book aslo seems to have been > # published farily recently (~10 years ago) so I doubt its had any > # influence on the fraternity. (Brothers, correct me if I'm wrong.)] > > it isn't from masonic sources so much as from Scottish Rite-related > quasi-masons like the GD, OTO, etc. Don't you mean "Scottish Rite-*DERIVED*" rather than "related"? That is, there is no "relation" from the Freemasonic point of view, only from those who claim to be quasi-Masonic. > # 3) The only "Hermetic" organization I could find that trys to connect > # itself to masonry, was the "Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(R)" > # which claims to have masonic elements (amoung other things) in its > # "system of magic" [sic]. It is NOT part of, or connected in any way, > # to Freemasonry. > > all the same, some of these occultists have and continue to think > of what they're doing as somehow related to and/or even what they > call an "improvement" on Freemasonry perhaps comparable to how the > some might see the Scottish Rite degrees as an elaboration on the > Three Degrees of Freemasonry. The O.T.O -- under its founder, Theodor Reuss and also under the leadership of Aleister Crowley -- certainly did purport to "rectify" Masonry and used its rituals extensively as a basis for ritual work. > # 4) Though many books on the [tarot] claim a masonic connection, > > I haven't noticed that many and I've got a decent library with > some of the basics. pseudo-masonry generates quasi-masonic > theories. some of these have been left behind as Freemasons > object to the connection and the secrecy inherent to masonry > is mistaken for and/or confused with the secrecy of quasi- > masonic and non-masonic groups/traditions (the OTO no longer > claims to make masons, for example). Do Arthur Edward Waite and/or Paul Foster Case refer to Freemasonic elements in the Tarot? I would guess them to do so, but don't have their books here by me to check. > # all the > # connections that I've seen are speculative at best. The origins of the > # tarrot are unknown, > > they're fairly well-known, really. it was a divinatory device > constructed out of a European card game called Tarocchi. one > might compare what was done with Four Seasons/Chaturanga or > Four-Handed Chess in the construction of "Enochian Chess". > the connections with freemasonry (if any) were probably given > their origin in sources like Eliphas Levi, who fabricated > quite a bit his salon pieces. Thank you, siva. It is about 100 years too late to claim that "the origins of Tarot are unknown." > # and though many theories exist, most of them (like > # the masonic connection theories) don't agree. > > when overlooking the deceptions it isn't difficult to construct > a fairly reliable history of the occult tarot beyond the games. Again, i agree; those who hold to a "throy of Tarot" are just deluding themselves as to the origin of the cards, which is historically well documented. > # Yes, one can see > # symbolism in some of the cards that appear to be obviously masonic > # (like on the high priestess card) I do not believe that the High Priestess card is Masonic in its major points -- EXCEPT IN THE WAITE-SMITH DECK and those decks that followed upon Waite's and Smith's designs, such as the Case/BOTA deck and so forth. Waite was a Freemason. He added Freemasonic symbolism to the cards. > # you have to keep in mind that either > # one could have borrowed from the other, or each could have come upon > # the use of those symbol(s) from another origin, not related to the > # other. -- Of course, all that doesn't matter much, as you're trying > # (in part) to connect the tarrot the this mysterious "hermetic > # masonry". > > the construction of occult tarot reflected off of Freemasonry, > which preceded it. quasi-masons used masonic imagery and symbols, > at times, for their own purposes. As did Masonic arot designers, such as Waite. > it is also possible that they > were effectively drawing from similar sources at times (i.e. > the Torah or some other scripture). there is some real overlap > between the occult and Freemasonic communities, also. > > # If you believe you're justified in posting this to alt.freemasonry, > # please explain to me why.... > > distinguishing the actualities of the connections between > occultism and Freemasonry is at times valuable, though it > can stir up more dust than clarify the confusion stoked > by occultists who have stakes in deception or who have > unfortunately been so deceived by their sources. I agree. I think this is on-topic in alt.freemasonry. > at one time groups like the OTO (and even the GD?) claimed to > be founded on or even to *make* masons, basing their initiation > rites, to a certain extent, on Freemasonic, or at least Scottish > Rite initiations (influenced, as was Albert Pike, by Eliphas > Levi, whom he plagiarized in his "Morals and Dogma"). > > untangling the confusion amongst all these things is also > difficult because there is some measure of competition between > occultists who maintain that Freemasonry has "Lost its Keys" > (i.e. the association-schema for its initiation rites and > the wisdom implied therein) in order to supplant or extend > from rational and conventional knowledge like the Liberal Arts > toward Neoplatonic religious philosophy they find more > important or more valuable. The typical occult initiatic order claim that "Freemasonry has lost its keys" is almost a cliche at this point and is a sad reflection of Masonic "wanna-bes" in my opinion. > additional discussion welcomed in cross-post as long as it > touches on actual differences between Freemasonry and the > occult counterfeits or some kind of infusion of Freemasonic > morality or structural resemblance into occult initiatic orders. > > 333 cat yronwode Freemasonry for Women -------
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