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To: alt.satanism,alt.magick,alt.magick.chaos
From: Dan Clore 
Subject: Turanian
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 15:20:33 -0800

Turanian, adj. & n. [< Pers Turân, name used by Firdausi in 
The Shah Namah for a realm beyond the Oxus, as opposed to 
Irân (Persia) < Tur, in Iranian mythology one of the three 
mythical brothers from which mankind is supposedly 
descended.] Of or pertaining to the (mostly Asian) languages 
of the Ural-Altaic family, as opposed to those of the 
Indo-European ("Aryan") and Semitic families; of or 
pertaining to the speakers of these Ural-Altaic languages, 
particularly when considered as a race. Formerly also used 
in an extended sense that included various 
non-Indo-European-speaking (or otherwise suspect) peoples 
such as the Lapps, Finns, Basques, Picts, Berbers, 
Dravidians, Gypsies, etc. According to the so-called "pygmy" 
theory, folk memories of Turanian peoples account for the 
European folklore concerning fairies, elves, dwarfs, etc. By 
some post-Blavatsky Theosophists, the name was given to the 
fourth Sub-race of the fourth Root Race.

Titles: Arthur Machen, "The Turanians" in Ornaments of Jade

The kingdom had been through dangerous and difficult times, 
when powerful enemies like the Prince of the Turanians, 
leagued with wicked magicians, had gone up against the 
Persians in war. But now that splendid hero, Zal, mightiest 
of the warriors of the world, had broken the strength of the 
Turanians; the old Shah, Kaikobad, had gone into Paradise; 
and young Prince Kaikooz ascended to the Throne of Thrones 
as the twelfth Shah of the Persians, and all his people 
cheered his name.
Lin Carter, "Rustum Against the City of Demons" (after 
Firdausi, The Shah Namah)

The very title of Tur, which they give to their supreme 
magistrate, indicates theft from a tongue akin to the Turanian.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race

A curious Basque story shows that among this strange 
Turanian people, cut off by such a flood of Aryan nations 
from any other members of its family, the same superstition 
Sabine Baring-Gould, The Book of Werewolves: Being an 
Account of a Terrible Superstition

The appropriate definition of the name "Turanian" is: any 
family that ethnologists know nothing about.
H.P. Blavatsky, note to Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the 
Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology

The occult doctrine admits of no such divisions as the Aryan 
and the Semite, accepting even the Turanian with ample 
H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of 
Science, Religion, and Philosophy

Granting that the Turanian races were typified by the dwarfs 
(Dwergar), and that a dark, round-headed, and dwarfish race 
was driven northward by the fair-faced Scandinavians, or 
Ćsir, the gods being like unto men, there still exists 
neither in history nor any other scientific work any 
anthropological proof whatever of the existence in time or 
space of a race of giants.
H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of 
Science, Religion, and Philosophy

This was the Shaman. He seems to have had a 
Tartar-Mongol-mongrel-Turanian origin, somewhere in Central 
Asia, and to have spread with his magic drum, and songs, and 
stinking smoke, exorcising his fiends all over the face of 
the earth.
Charles Godfrey Leland, Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling

"It is a very ancient ceremony," said the priest; "probably 
Persian, like the baptismal form, although, for that matter, 
we can never dig deep enough for the roots of these things. 
They all turn up Turanian if we probe far enough."
Harold Frederic, The Damnation of Theron Ware; or, Illumination

Philologists seem to be fast arriving at the view that when 
the whole earth was of "one language and of one speech" it 
was a primitive monosyllabic or Turanian tongue. The word 
Turanian is most indefinite, for it is taken to include the 
small, dark, long-headed Dravidian race of India, which 
penetrated Britain before the Aryan Celt and of which the 
Basques of Spain are a survival; the long-headed white race 
of Scandinavian hunters; and the white, broad-headed 
Mongoloid, whom we chiefly term proto-Aryan, as an early 
branch of the Aryan race; a race which in prehistoric times 
spread from Lapland to Babylon, and from India to Egypt and 
John Yarker, The Arcane Schools, a Review of Their Origin 
and Antiquity, with a History of Freemasonry and Its 
Relation to the Theosophic, Scientific, and Philosophic 

A further and rather terrible development of the Turanian 
times must still be referred to. With the practice of 
sorcery many of the inhabitants had, of course, become aware 
of the existence of powerful elementals—creatures who had 
been called into being, or at least animated by their own 
powerful wills, which being directed towards maleficent 
ends, naturally produced elementals of power and malignity. 
So degraded had then become man's feelings of reverence and 
worship, that they actually began to adore these 
semi-conscious creations of their own malignant thought. The 
ritual with which these beings were worshipped was 
bloodstained from the very start, and of course every 
sacrifice offered at their shrines gave vitality and 
persistence to these vampire-like creations—so much so, that 
even to the present day in various parts of the world, the 
elementals formed by the powerful will of these old 
Atlantean sorcerers still continue to exact their tribute 
from unoffending village communities.
W. Scott-Elliot, Legends of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria

"And the hint came of the old name of fairies, 'the little 
people,' and the very probable belief that they represent a 
tradition of the prehistoric Turanian inhabitants of the 
country, who were cave dwellers: and then I realized with a 
shock that I was looking for a being under four feet in 
height, accustomed to live in darkness, possessing stone 
instruments, and familiar with the Mongolian cast of features!"
Arthur Machen, "The Shining Pyramid"

But as I idly scanned the paragraph, a flash of thought 
passed through me with the violence of an electric shock: 
what if the obscure and horrible race of the hills still 
survived, still remained haunting the wild places and barren 
hills, and now and then repeating the evil of Gothic legend, 
unchanged and unchangeable as the Turanian Shelta, or the 
Basques of Spain?
Arthur Machen, "Novel of the Black Seal" in The Three 
Impostors; or, The Transmutations

Though everybody called them gipsies, they were in reality 
Turanian metal-workers, degenerated into wandering tinkers; 
their ancestors had fashioned the bronze battle-axes, and 
they mended pots and kettles.
Arthur Machen, "The Turanians" in Ornaments of Jade

M. Pineau, very properly, interprets these dwarfs to mean 
the aboriginal Turanian race which inhabited Europe before 
the coming of the Aryans, and passes on, without dwelling on 
the subject.
Arthur Machen, "Folklore and Legends of the North"

That these hellish vestiges of old Turanian-Asiatic magic 
and fertility-cults were even now wholly dead he could not 
for a moment suppose, and he frequently wondered how much 
older and how much blacker than the very worst of the 
muttered tales some of them might really be.
H.P. Lovecraft, "The Horror at Red Hook"

"They are known variously as Turanians, Picts, 
Mediterraneans, and Garlic Eaters. A race of small dark 
people, traces of their type may be found in primitive 
sections of Europe and Asia today, among the Basques of 
Spain, the Scotch of Galloway, and the Lapps."
Robert E. Howard, "The Little People"

Dan Clore

Now available: _The Unspeakable and Others_
Lord We˙rdgliffe & Necronomicon Page:
News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:

"It's a political statement -- or, rather, an
*anti*-political statement. The symbol for *anarchy*!"
-- Batman, explaining the circle-A graffiti, in
_Detective Comics_ #608

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