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Trivia? Why 666?

To: alt.prophecies.nostradamus,alt.conspiracy,sci.archaeology,alt.discordia,alt.prophecies.nostradamus,alt.stupidity,alt.crazy.people,alt.flying.cows,alt.drunken.bastards
From: Eric Stevens 
Subject: Re: Trivia?  Why 666?
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 11:07:44 +1300

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 21:23:35 +0100, "Alex" 

>>> >>Clark Kent  wrote in article
>>> >>...
>>> >>> Ahh.... a question for all u apocalyptic warlords out there... why does
>>> >>666
>>> >>> represent Satan and evil... why has that number been chosen...
>I once read in a book on the occult that LaVey found an item in a museum
>and the exhibition number was 666.
>I only vaguely remember this, though.

The number 666 derives from the Hebrews use of letters for numbers and
applies in this case to the ranking within the political and regious
movements of the time of Jesus. The basis of 666 is complex but anyone
who wants to know more should read the relevant parts of Barbara
Thiering's "Jesus of the Apocalypse". You will find 666 spelled out in
words in the index.

Eric Stevens

There are two classes of people. Those who divide people into 
two classes, and those who don't. I belong to the second class.

From: 23skid5* (23Skidooooo)
Newsgroups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus,alt.conspiracy,sci.archaeology,alt.discordia,alt.prophecies.nostradamus,alt.stupidity,alt.crazy.people,alt.flying.cows,alt.drunken.bastards
Subject: Re: Trivia?  Why 666?
Organization: Papalcy Playground, Inc
Reply-To: 23skid5*
Message-ID: <38c47d68.150503307@news-server>
References:  <01bf7f9d$83144540$b5c05f18@patricia>  <5sAt4.255$>  <38b837be$0$>
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Xref: alt.prophecies.nostradamus:171711 alt.conspiracy:478093 sci.archaeology:121833 alt.discordia:132185 alt.stupidity:137217 alt.flying.cows:3149 alt.drunken.bastards:108108

On Sat, 26 Feb 2000 21:23:35 +0100, some virtual stranger calling themself
"Alex"  decided to voice their opinion, of which I had
this to say:

>>> >>Clark Kent  wrote in article
>>> >>...
>>> >>> Ahh.... a question for all u apocalyptic warlords out there... why does
>>> >>666
>>> >>> represent Satan and evil... why has that number been chosen...

When St. John was writing his book, he couldn't mention Nero by his name or
else it would get him killed, so he referred to him as 666, for reasons I
don't clearly remember so I won't get into. Look it up.

>I once read in a book on the occult that LaVey found an item in a museum
>and the exhibition number was 666.
>I only vaguely remember this, though.

Pope Skidoo

"Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried."

"Without the skin,
Beneath the storm,
Under these tears
The walls came down."

  --Maynard James Keenan (TOOL)

From: "Matthias Schneider" 
Newsgroups: sci.archaeology
Subject: Re: Trivia?  Why 666?
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 12:19:50 +0100
Lines: 74
Message-ID: <89b0vo$27898$>
References:  <01bf7f9d$83144540$b5c05f18@patricia>  <5sAt4.255$>  <38b837be$0$>
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Xref: sci.archaeology:121856

Hi Alex,

there are two serious readings i know:

First read the Revelation in The Holy Bible;

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free =
and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, =
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the =
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is =
Six hundred threescore and six (666).

Than you have to know about the numeric values of latin letters:
I=3D1, V=3D5, X=3D10, L=3D50, C=3D100, D=3D500, M=3D1000

now look at the Titles of the Pope :
and calculate... each time 666.


2nd - The System of Barcode (marking all products "that no man might buy =
or sell, save he that had the mark...")

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, =
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

unfortunately I only have a german link:
(The hidden in UPC and EAN productcodes)

please search the *Net* (WWW means 666 in occult readings; Hebrew Values =
6 6 6 ;-), and WEB means an evil surround (by a spider - beast). NET =
means cooperation by helpers) for keywords "barcode" or "productcode" at =
yourself for english pages.
ciao, Matt

"Alex"  wrote in message =
> >> >>Clark Kent  wrote in article
> >> >>...
> >> >>> Ahh.... a question for all u apocalyptic warlords out there... =
why does
> >> >>666
> >> >>> represent Satan and evil... why has that number been chosen...
> I once read in a book on the occult that LaVey found an item in a =
> and the exhibition number was 666.
> I only vaguely remember this, though.
> Alex

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