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Gnostic Mass

From: Barry Sherman 
Subject: Re: Gnostic Mass
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996 05:22:37 -0600 (CST) (Michael Graffam)
|On Wed, 28 Feb 1996, Kevin Sahr wrote:
| ...I'm searching for a copy of the pre-Crowley Gnostic Mass
| of the EGC, or, alternately and perhaps the same, a copy of the
| Gnostic Mass used by those portions of the EGC which have not 
| accepted the Book of the Law. Any pointers would be much appreciated!
|If anyone has info on this, please post if public or cc: it to me,
|as I would be interested in this as well. Thankx

For those who may not be familiar with the traditional history of this
subject: It is asserted by the Caliphate OTO & many other Thelemic
Jurisdictions that the Gnostic Mass aka Liber XV was written some time after
july 1913-15?  A. Crowley was travelling through Russia with a ragtime band
whose name escapes me.  However there are references to Crowley attending &
endorsing some form of Mass before this date.  I have also heard that what
became the Gnostic Mass was originally commissioned by Papus to be the 18
degree [Rose Croix] of some Martinist/Memphis/Mizraim Rite.  The commission
was to Reuss & maybe Crowley to write-compile it.  Reuss's version of the
Gnostic Mass is by & large much the same.  It does have some interesting
variations, whether these be from an earlier mass or Reuss's customs, I don't

As far as gnostic masses go, Doinel founded one branch of Gnostic Churches:
Ecclesia Gnostica.  He wrote a 'Mass' rendered in english `The Breaking of
the Bread`.  Bricaud of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica/Universalis wrote
another.  Bricaud was formaly Doinel's student.  Amberlain wrote a Mass as
well.  Bricaud was involved with Papus & may of been his Consecrator.
Amberlain descends from both Papus & Bricaud I believe.

Getting back to Crowley's Gnostic Mass; Ecclesia Gnostica Sacramentorvm has a
passage in it's Canon `Commemoration of the Saints`, the 1st half of which
appears in the Collects to The Saints, Liber XV.  The 2nd half appears in The
Consecration of the Elements, ibid.  EGS has used the sentence `The Sanctuary
of Holy Templars` to describe something of itself.  Who influenced who?  Do
they come from a common source?

I have included a synoptic comparison, to be formatted in 2 columns.  The
Canon of the Sarvm Mass, beginning 5th paragraph, pre Vatican II reckoning. 
Liber XV part 5 The Consecration of the Elements. The ceremonial is all but
identical.  The ritual is also suggestive of Thelemic perspectives on
Christian concepts. 

Finally any discussion on the subject of Gnostic Liturgies is most welcome
whether it be via Fiat Lvx or private.  I have not been getting any mail
whatsoever so if any one would do a test, a most welcome thanx to you! 
pac xc sanct,                I  _
              Barry        I_I_I_
                           I, ,I_

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