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FTennyachu: Enochian Magick

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi
From: (Frater TENNYACHU)
Subject: Magick/Enochian topic
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 95 11:04:45 EST


	The system that we know as "Enochian Magick" comes to us from the
experiments made by Dr. John Dee, Court Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, and
Sir Edward Kelly.  The system bqegan with skrying ("crystal-gazing")
experiments between Dee and Kelly (the latter was the "seer") on December
22, 1581, although according to Donald Laycock, there is evidence to suggest
that their skrying together began on March 8 of the same year.  Dr. John Dee
was a mathametician par excellence, and wrote the leading mathematics
textbooks of his day.  Having been immersed in the Holy Qabalah, Dee sought
to contact the "spirits", "Angels", or as some contemporaries might say,
"archetypes" through mathematical correspondences.  This is, of course, pure
Qabalah.  However, Dee and Kelly supposedly tapped into an entirely new
LANGUAGE, as far as humans know it.  This language is called ENOCHIAN. 
While it is true that in 1530 an alchemist called Pantheist produced a
language called ENOCHIAN, ther eis no resemblance between the two.  While
Pantheist may have influenced Dee and Kelly, the language of Dee and Kelly
is a language unto itself.  It contains it's own sytax, grammar, and
vocabulary, with roots not withstanding.  There are many similarities with
English, but certain unexplained phenomena as well that, in this writer's
opinion, forces one to conclude, upon analysis, that if Dee and/or Kelly
simply "invented" their Enochian language, thatit nonetheless contains
tremendous insights and pathways to Occult wisdom.  In short, it would be a
much more miraculous occurence if Dee and Kelly HAD invented this language,
than if it was simply dictated to them by "Angels" or "archetypes" of
exalted states of consciousness, which the props of ceremonial magick have
as their sole justification.  A psychologist may use a couch to help alter
his own patient's entering into more exalted states of consciousness.
	While teh Enochian language is probably the most fascinating of any
language- manmade or natural- to a philologist, it has been shown by
experiment to have a definite magickal application, of great power. 
Aleister Crowley recorded his experiences of the 30 Enochian "Aethyrs" or
Calls, in LIBER 418, or THE VISION AND THE VOICE.  This type of practical
application is the foci of this topic.
	Dee and Kelly's Enochian system of Magick, which they derived from
their experiments, was ellaborated upon, and increased in sophistication, by
S.L. MacGregor Mathers and the golden Dawn, and then by that groups
brightest pupil, Aleister Crowley.  There are some dozen plu sbooks (at
least) about Enochiana available today, including a fascinating work by by
Gerald Schueler called "Enochian Physics", which applies Enochian theory
with that of modern physics, although unfortunately before Superstring
theory was more accessible.  There is even a system of divination, developed
by the golden Dawn, called "ENOCHIAN CHESS".  
	It is my hope that those few who may have experience with this
system will share their Wisdom and Understanding with us.  Looking forward
to your participation.

93 93/93

Frater TENNYACHU (Baphomet 0=0)

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