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To: alt.magick From: (B Heidrick) Subject: Re: OTO Germany Date: 23 Oct 2001 11:02:24 GMT 93 Jason, >Iam curious as to know: which one of the thirty O.T.O's must I send >the solution that proves me to be your boss? Any that accept it obviously aren't O.T.O. :-) The positions of OHO and national S.H.K. in OTO are appointive and, in some rare instances by directed authority of former OHO, elective. There is no contest of essay or pudenda size for such things. >That's chapter 2 verse 76 Liber >Al vel Legis. You are confusing OTO with Thelema in General. OTO is Thelemic, but not conformally identical with all of Thelema. At that, "the one to come after" is a matter of interpretation in Liber AL, as to significance. Finally, who hasn't a solution to AL: 2,76? Obtaining one takes about 30 minutes by gematria, at most. Which, if any, is "correct" is not ascertainable -- since most of them are different. :-) 93 93/93 Bill
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