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Eyes on Egypt and the Book of the Law

To: alt.magick
From: blandcriminal 
Subject: Re: Eyes on Egypt and the Book of the Law
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 08:45:15 -0700

Prophet 718 wrote:
> Jess Karlin wrote:
>># ...the tradition of linking Tarot to Kabbalah 
>># began with the Egyptomaniacal theories of
>># French Freemasons:
>   nagasiva  wrote:
>>thanks. that's an interesting article. here are some
>>queries on it....
>># Aleister Crowley's bizarre "Stele of
>># Revealing" invention, wherein he took an
>># ordinary Egyptian artifact, coincidentally
>># numbered item 666 in the Cairo Museum, 
>># and turned an inept translation of its
>># hieroglyphs into Apocalyptic god names --
>># this is particularly the case with the
>># purely Egyptomaniacal "Hadit". 
>   I remember a couple of years ago when you (JK) were of the opinion
> that Crowley fabricated the catalogue number 666 for the Stele of
> Revealing. Nice to see you change your rants to reflect the facts.
> (There has been recent evidence located that proves the stele of
> Ankh-f-n-khonsu was catalogue item #666 in the Egyptian Museum.)
>   The tiresome rant about Hadit being a mistranslation of the name of
> the winged disk on the stele is also unfounded. The translation of the
> stele was performed by a French assistant that worked in the museum.
> The type of translation he provides is typical of what a tourist would
> expect, that being something more poetic and ideological than
> grammatical or literal. For instance, instead of using the name Wesir
> (Osiris), he uses the word *deceased*. The term is ideologically
> correct, but certainly not a literal translation of the hieroglyphics
> comprising the word. The translator could have used the name *Behedet*
> in describing the winged disk as it appears on the stele, but the name
> is really the town where the legend was born. Instead, he chose
> *Hadit*, which based on the crude understanding of Egyptian grammar in
> 1904, was probably a name that is synonymous with the winged disk and
> the eye of Hoor: Hadjit. The translator may have considered the *D* as
> the correct phoneme, and not *Dj*.
>   *Khabs* is not a word in Egyptian either, it is the lingual
> conception the world had in 1904 of the Egyptian word that means
> *starlight*. If the author of the Book of the Law had used actual
> Egyptian words in the dictation, Crowley would have had no idea how to
> spell them or known what the words meant. Instead, he used familiar
> terms constrained to the grammatical understanding of Egyptian
> language at the time. Thus if Crowley perceived the winged disk as
> Hadit, there would be every reason for Aiwass to use the term in the
> book.
>   Proximus Lux


yeah, it's a bit like reading an English translation of Rimbaud, 
Baudelaire, Apollonaire, or Alcofribas Nasier and critisizing their 
French for being 'too English.'


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Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: Eyes on Egypt and the Book of the Law
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Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 08:48:13 -0700
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NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 11:48:12 EDT
Organization: Cox Communications
Xref: alt.magick:347912

Prophet 718 wrote:
> Jess Karlin wrote:
>># ...the tradition of linking Tarot to Kabbalah 
>># began with the Egyptomaniacal theories of
>># French Freemasons:
>   nagasiva  wrote:
>>thanks. that's an interesting article. here are some
>>queries on it....
>># Aleister Crowley's bizarre "Stele of
>># Revealing" invention, wherein he took an
>># ordinary Egyptian artifact, coincidentally
>># numbered item 666 in the Cairo Museum, 
>># and turned an inept translation of its
>># hieroglyphs into Apocalyptic god names --
>># this is particularly the case with the
>># purely Egyptomaniacal "Hadit". 
>   I remember a couple of years ago when you (JK) were of the opinion
> that Crowley fabricated the catalogue number 666 for the Stele of
> Revealing. Nice to see you change your rants to reflect the facts.
> (There has been recent evidence located that proves the stele of
> Ankh-f-n-khonsu was catalogue item #666 in the Egyptian Museum.)
>   The tiresome rant about Hadit being a mistranslation of the name of
> the winged disk on the stele is also unfounded. The translation of the
> stele was performed by a French assistant that worked in the museum.
> The type of translation he provides is typical of what a tourist would
> expect, that being something more poetic and ideological than
> grammatical or literal. For instance, instead of using the name Wesir
> (Osiris), he uses the word *deceased*. The term is ideologically
> correct, but certainly not a literal translation of the hieroglyphics
> comprising the word. The translator could have used the name *Behedet*
> in describing the winged disk as it appears on the stele, but the name
> is really the town where the legend was born. Instead, he chose
> *Hadit*, which based on the crude understanding of Egyptian grammar in
> 1904, was probably a name that is synonymous with the winged disk and
> the eye of Hoor: Hadjit. The translator may have considered the *D* as
> the correct phoneme, and not *Dj*.
>   *Khabs* is not a word in Egyptian either, it is the lingual
> conception the world had in 1904 of the Egyptian word that means
> *starlight*. If the author of the Book of the Law had used actual
> Egyptian words in the dictation, Crowley would have had no idea how to
> spell them or known what the words meant. Instead, he used familiar
> terms constrained to the grammatical understanding of Egyptian
> language at the time. Thus if Crowley perceived the winged disk as
> Hadit, there would be every reason for Aiwass to use the term in the
> book.
>   Proximus Lux

AC claimed to be a master of English, not French or Egyptian anyway, so 
any lack he demonstrates here is hardly damning in any serious way. It's 
like faulting 7-11 for not selling the green goddess when it only ever 
claimed to provide aspirin...


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