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DIY Thelemic Fundamentalism

From: jake stratton-kent 
Subject: DIY Thelemic Fundamentalism
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 02:37:12 +0000

Though typing up the out of print core material is a priority, I
couldn't resist putting this 'blast from the past' into cyber-space.
It's no 4th Chapter, but it has had the distinction of being used as
subliminals at certain London gigs.

Source: The Equinox/British Journal of Thelema. VII 6.

Author: Ulrich von Hutten

     ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

D.I.Y. Thelemic Fundamentalism.

000. Buy ye olde copy of 'Ye Gemmes from the Equinox' and read the
instructions for Probationer Grade in the back. Signe the Oath in
presence of whatever divine being takes your fancy and do the work for a

00. Do the other degrees work too, and the work associated with each
path and sephirah in logical sequence. Read 'Magick' several times. Get
really familiar with all the stuff on the reading list, all the rituals,
all the Holy Books. Drive yourself nuts reading the Vision and the Voice
and sussing out which bits are Class A and which bits are Class B, and
which parts are Crowley's subconscious getting rank or malicious.

0. Take the oath of Dominis Liminis and keep your eyes and ears wide
open for signs. Throw your lot in with the most conspicuous bunch of
Thelemic loonies around and do exactly what you wilt until you feel like
you're ready for 'ye bigge one'.

1. Tell them all that you and your Holy Guardian Angel are off to take
on the Universe. A good parting line is 'I'm going to be mad for six
months, so goodbye everyone'.

2. Go mad.

3. See God and all his angels and devils. 

4. Conquer hell.

5. Obtain magick powers.

6. Master your new knowledge.

7. Start new (and/or return to old) Thelemic group and watch out for
fanatics like yourself.

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


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