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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.religion.gnostic,talk.religion.misc,alt.magick.chaos,alt.thelema,talk.religion.newage,alt.magick.order From: (nigris (333)) Subject: Charlatanry, Gnosis and Cultspeak (was Gnosis/ suicide) Date: 23 Jul 1999 22:40:57 -0700 49990609 IVom a correspondent wrote: # Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. The word of Sin is Restriction. # ...Why are you discussing gnosis? As far as I am told # (which is not necassaraly true) this is something that # we might achieve (as we work our way up to that degree) at # the IX*? there is a difference between organizational development and personal development, much as those Orders that use a system of 'degrees' might like to promote an equivalence in order to secure dedicated workers to maintain the pyramid scheme or allow the grunts to have fun while they do the thankless tasks of administrating details. it is difficult to know the status of participants in Thelema93-L within either the (c)OTO or as regards their spiritual development. it could be that they who are elaborating the details of "gnosis" have actual experience with what they are talking about (either indirect or direct). people are going to talk about the goals and legends which are cloaked in mystery. secrecy is a big draw for social groups that want membership: they put out that they are the purveyors and stewards of some fantastic mystical secret (say, the Gnosis, or the Universal Medicine, or the Stone of the Philosophers, whatever any of these may actually be) and give the appearance of knowing all about it but being unable say much due to oaths or the ambiguity and danger of revelation, but intimate that if one would join the ranks of duespayers and support the structure (of which the initial founders and promoters are usually the most exalted and unrivalled masters) then over time one will come to know these hallowed secrets or "mysteries" through exposure to the people, their rites, or secret documents which only they control (these days through legal pressure). 'gnosis' is a hot item in modern alternative religious culture. 'Gnosticism' has a reputation as a 'heresy' of the Roman Catholic Church, its documents of Christian bearing have been examined in great detail of late (the Nag Hammadi library) by scholarly authors whose work could constitute an expose' on the lack of authenticity of the Christian scripture ('the gnostic gospels'), it has been taken up by intellectuals as an alternative to faith-based religion and favored on account of its implication of 'knowledge', and it has been linked to magic and the supernatural by authors like Crowley and Carroll, who seem to define it to suit their fancy regardless of its historical origins. I barely know anything about it myself, by this name, though I have watched for interesting descriptions, read some books ostensibly having to do with the subject, and followed a few threads of correspondence within public forums. don't get me wrong, I am not claiming any special knowledge (or gnosis). but I do find it valuable to ask questions about those things which we are told are 'important stages or experiences on the spiritual path', try to get a glimpse of what those who talk about them as such feel they have to offer us, whether it sounds like an experience I would WANT to have, and begin to get some inkling of what a person who *is* at that stage or has had that experience should be like so that the next time I run into a charlatan I'll recognize hir easily. # - Can we really discuss with knowledge before we # reach that degree? we can discuss what others have said about the degree in question, especially by quoting them and comparing this with what others say. in fact this is a very important way to see if there is anything consistent in the claims of a cult -- contrast and compare the expressions of a variety of adherents whose authority is recognized by the group in question. once these inconsistencies are ferretted out, one may both get a sense of to what they pertain and discern if the terms are merely a smoke screen in order to draw in marks. there is an old confidence game move in the religion business that makes its appearance within 'Orderly' cults: "that information is beyond your degree, you are not yet ready for it". questions of substance, scientific analysis and rational criticism are dismissed like so much 'naysaying' on the basis of presumed psychospiritual station and the coincidence of organizational roles with spiritual maturity. yet your question is a very important one when talking about unusual experiences generally. without having had the experience in question the type of 'knowledge' from which one might approach a discussion of it is always abstracted, from the outside, third-party. such a participant is at a disadvantage to those who have actually HAD that experience. the ultimate dispute is over how to assess such mysteries and exalted conditions/states and how to distinguish those who have had it from those who only THINK that they have had it or who are merely POSING. this quibble over authority typically occurs near the end of any intelligent discussion after all that can be reported on the subject has been aired and the statements are challenged based on the quality of their source -- inevitably someone stands on their personal experience and this leads quickly to disputation and ridiculous assessments of the spiritual condition of people whom are barely known on the basis of the tone and quality of their written or spoken expression. as regards memory and the discussion of direct personal experiences, however, only those who have had them can truly reflect on such a memory. yet as any police trainer can tell you, most people have not been educated to the level of observation and scrutiny required for detailed analysis (one of the many reasons that meditation is so beneficial), and it may be the case that 'gnosis' does not in itself include a clarity of mind or comprehension of THE EXPERIENCE OF GNOSIS. it may be that even those who experience it aren't capable of discussing it knowledgeably unless they have compared and contrasted the cases of its occurrence (if indeed it can be said to have ever been experienced at all). so when do we start to talk about it? shall we leave it as bait for the religious charlatans, or do we air our ignorance and provide accounts from those who seemed to exhibit the qualities associated with the state in question? I think we should always talk about the source of information when it comes from someone claiming to have experienced spiritual maturation -- we should be asking whether their life and the observation of others corroborate the claims that they are making about themselves in the assessment of the reliability of their testimony. if those who are discussing exalted spiritual states and bringing up sources do not offer this type of corroboration, then we must ask why this is the case and whether the source (Crowley, for instance) is really reliable as a first-person descriptor. ultimately each individual makes hir own assessment of when it is 'appropriate' to discuss reputed states of spiritual or technical adeptship. I find that I benefit from such discussion by claiming little or no authority and referring to what I have learned through sources to which I have been exposed. this is the equivalent of bringing books to a conference of the interested and asking them to comment upon them. sometimes I find out that my sources are frauds. at others I find that I am one of the few who has investigated the subject in any depth amongst us. # I haven4t read about any other system claiming to have # "gnosis" within their system, maybe you can enlighten me # in that field as well. that is a very important request. 'gnosis' is popular amongst those of the Hermetic culture (Theosophists, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawnians, Thelemites, and Chaos Magicians) from what I can tell. it appears to have been seized upon by those who were inspired by Gnostic and Hermetic archeological finds (such as Nag Hammadi and the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Tris- megistus). It seems to fit in with the turn of the century Egyptophilia and a perpetuated Neoplatanism or Neopythagoreanism in which the adept can attain to a superior comprehension of the cosmos through association with divinity or the practice of certain purifying and harmonizing rites or activities (e.g. ceremonialism, yoga, chanting, etc., etc.). the New Age community is very fond of 'gnosis' also, though its ambiguity herein is merely a reflection of the poor scholarship rampant amongst the Hermetic and nuveaureligious communities who so love to syncretically collage new paths. # Conserning suicide I think of it this way. If they try to do # so within my reach I would stop them at any cost, mainly # because I would have to live with myself which I couldn4t # if I let someone die in front of me. then you are someone I whose company I would prefer to avoid, since my life and how and when I take it are quite important to me and I'd rather not have you interfere with that. Invoke me under my stars. # Love is the law, love under will. nigris 333 -- emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired
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