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To: alt.magick From: (jallan) Subject: Re: Aleister Crowley's Legacy & Lunatic revisited Date: 3 Oct 2003 14:19:32 -0700 "Tom"wrote in message news: ... > "Nix" wrote in message > > > Isn't it funny? How people will argue about their beliefs and fuel each > > other's dogmatic responses. > > > > Ah! The legacy of Babylon lives on. It's not so much a language problem > > as a communication problem... but that's another story... > > Speaking of other stories, the story of Babel is not the story of Babylon. > > Babel is in Genesis. Babylon is in Kings II and other places. The Hebrew texts have BBL (vocalized by the Massoretes as ['ba:vEl]) for occurrences in Genesis and elsewhere. The name derives from Akkadian _Báb-ilim_ 'Gate of the god'. Classical Hebrew had lost the case endings earlier possessed by the language and naturally also usually dropped them from foreign names whence _-im_ is not rendered. In Neo-Babylonian the city was instead called _Báb-iláni_ 'Gate of the gods', whence Greek _Babylôn_. There is no reason to think that BBL in Genesis was intended to mean anything other than BBL = Greek _Babylôn in other Biblical books. Search on "Bab-ilim" or "Bab iliani" in Google for many references. Jim Allan
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