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[from ] Subject: YEZEDIS IRAQ ____________________________________________________________ These profiles can be freely distributed but cannot be sold or used for profit. Citations from the Global Prayer Digest should include the following address: 1605 Elizabeth St, Pasadena, CA 91104. Send your comments about the Nance Profiles. ____________________________________________________________ MARC ID: 79. ALTERNATE NAMES: Kirmanji. SIZE OF GROUP: 70,000. LOCATION: nr. DISTINCTIVES: nr. SOCIAL CHANGE: nr. LANGUAGES: Kirmanji. SCRIPTURE: New Testament 1872. Portions 1856-1953. Work in progress. RECORDINGS: None. RELIGION: Satan Worshipers. CHURCHES & MISSIONS: nr. OPENNESS TO RELIGIOUS CHANGE: nr. RECEPTIVITY TO CHRISTIANITY: nr. GROWTH OF CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: nr. EVANGELISM PROFILE: nr. The following is taken from the 8/30/93 issue of GLOBAL PRAYER DIGES T Frontier Fellowship, Inc., P.O. Box 90970, Pasadena, CA 91104 PLEAD WITH GOD FOR THE HIDDEN PEOPLES PRAY FOR A STRONG CHURCH AMONG THE SATAN-WORSHIPPING YEZEDIS OF IRAQ BY THE YEAR 2000. "The devil is so cruel that anyone who seeks happiness must concentrate on appeasing him," the teacher told his pupils. "You can safely ignore the worship of God because he is too compassionate to take revenge." The teacher then led the class in passionate prayer to a peacock statue, the symbol of Satan. The secretive Yezedi sect of Iraq believes the peacock was created at the time of the prophet Abraham, long before the dawn of Islam 1,400 years ago. Adi Musafer, a Muslim mystic, began this sect in the 11th century by opposing the Sunnis and Shi'ites who accused a man named Yezid of killing Hussein, grandson of the prophet Mohammed. years after Adi and his followers had settled in the ancient Iraqi province of Ninevah, the people distorted Adi's teachings by adding a number of superstitions and by declaring Yezid a prophet sent by Satan to keep their religion on course. The Yezidis live by strictly enforced rules of behavior. For example, men must grow thick mustaches, spitting is forbidden as an insult to Satan, and female adulterers are killed. After 1000 years of self- imposed isolation in the mountains of Northern Iraq, contact with the world is eroding their seclusion. Many of the 70,000 Yezidis are becoming doctors, professors and engineers. They speak a Kurdish dialect called Kirmanji, and use Arabic as a trade language. Nearly all Yezidis worship the devil, and there are no known Yezidis Christians. Dear Lord, we pray the Yezidis will know the truth of Your love for them. Send workers to contact them as they rejoin society. GPD 3/2/94 PRAY FOR A STRONG CHURCH AMONG THE 70,000 YEZIDIS IN IRAQ BY THE YEAR 2000. When Khader awoke, he could still remember his dream. In it, he was a boy again. Mr. De Kakatia, the Assyrian man who conducted Khader's small school for Yezidi boys in northern Iraq was telling the boys stories about Jesus. Khader had always looked forward to those times. He wished now he could remember more of the stories. There are possibly 70,000 Yezidis living in northern Iraq. Others live in Syria, Turkey, Armenia and Georgia, but most of them have migrated to Germany. Unlike other Kurds, the Yezidis' religion is a strange mixture of Islam and Zoroastrianism. They believe Satan is the active, malevolent element of the Creator. The Yezidis worship Satan in order to appease him, since he would otherwise harm them. In Yezidi belief, God is kind but does not involve Himself with mankind; so He can be ignored. The Yezidis remain aloof from their neighbors and seek no new converts. Because of persecution by the Iraqi government and invasion by the modern world, the Yezidi sect is shrinking away. There are almost no Christians among the Yezidis. However, from the late 1920s to the 1940s, an Assyrian evangelist had worked among the Yezidis through a small boys' school. At that time, five Yezidis believed in Jesus and were baptized. All were active Christians, and they had to leave the area. But there may be many more secret believers still living in the northern mountains of Iraq. When the missionaries were forced out of Iraq in 1958, the Yezidis seemed to be on the verge of a people movement toward Christ. God, may the work that was done half a century ago bear fruit today. ____________________________________________________________ EOF
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