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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.politics.satanism,alt.satanism,alt.pagan From: Les MastersSubject: Re: TOKUS' "SATANISM IN THE NEWS": CASE: Scott Peterson Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 01:50:50 GMT OJ had his "real killers". Diane Downs had her "shaggy haired stranger". Susan Smith had her"Black car jacker" Scott Peterson has his "Satanic Cult". These are the scum of the Earth. Peterson is nothing new, nothing unique. Should justice prevail, with Scott being proved as the killer, I hope he pays dearly for what he has done. I strongly belive in death for those who prey on the weak. He needs to be destroyed, then buried like garbage. I'm going to rephrase and reanswer the question you responded to. The question I will answer is not WHO is Ted Gunderson. The question is WHAT is Ted Gunderson. Ted Gunderson is like other "Satanic Cult Experts" is a parasite. I doubt you will find any past "Satanic Cult Killers" convicted on testimony provided my Gunderson or any other "Satanic Cult Expert". I doubt any of his "profession" ever stepped foot on an actual murder scene. Everything Gunderson ever said or ever wrote about "Satanic Cults" came straight out of supermarket tabloids and TV talk shows. Gunderson's involvement in the Peterson case is nothing short of obstruction of justice. WOOF! "John H Shaw©" wrote: > "John H Shaw©" wrote in message > news:ODUFa.41138$ > > > > "SOD of the CoE" wrote in message > > news:vqUFa.1925$ > > > > > > > > > anybody know who Ted Gunderson is? > > > > No, but a quick search came up with this. I found it interesting. > > > > > > > > Boops! > >
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