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To: alt.apocalypse,alt.atheism,,alt.blasphemy,alt.christnet,alt.christnet.second-coming.real-soon-now,alt.evil,alt.magick,alt.satanism,alt.skinheads,,talk.atheism,talk.religion.misc,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.chaos From: (Vassilis Christophilos) Subject: Re: THERION--THE REAL NUMBER GIVEN IN REVELATION---let the (one) having reason. [was: Re: Bright and Morning Star] Date: Mon, 12 Aug 1996 11:58:49 GMT (Driver Ate) wrote: >In article <>, The White Devil >wrote: >| Driver Ate wrote: >| > >| > | >In Revelations, the Beast is given the number 666 which in Geomatria >| > >| > correction: number given is Chi-Xi-Sigma 600 + 60 + 200 = 860 >| > >| > -- >| > driver ate >| >| Have you any support for this? All modern translations list it as 666. >also Sigma can be 60 giving us 720. take your pick. >If you can find different Greek letters in any of the Original Manuscripts >and different values for said letters so that they add up to 666, feel free. >-- > driver ate > Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic >Flipper died a natural death he caught a nasty virus > Then there was the ever - present football player rapist >They were all in love with dyin' They were doing it in Texas --bs Hi, I am greek and i know the ancient greek alphabet. It is not sigma , it is sigma score. This letter is not any more used in modern greek, so, the number of the beast is: chi,ksi,sigma score : 600 + 60 + 6 = 666 vassilis
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