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To: alt.satanism From: Subject: Re: The Baphomet Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 04:49:32 GMT R. Merciless wrote: >Does anyone on this news group have an actual copy of the books by >Oswald Wirth or by Maurice Bessy from which the sigil wais taken? >I would be most interested to see what they said about it exactly. Dr. Lao still has his copy of the Bessy book. The cover depicts the Baphomet and this is the design that was copied for the two ritual chambers at Central Grotto. Around 1970, the Baphomet was modified by Diane LaVey. Thus was born the "split eyebrow" design in use to the current day. The first "split eyebrow" Baphomet appeared on CoS stationary and on twelve-inch altar plaques. The altar plaques were silk-screened by local members and sold through the Cloven Hoof. Later, the design was available on metal medallions and produced commercially. Prior to that, all Church of Satan medallions were handmade (enameled) by local members with the exception of Anton LaVey's personal medallion. That was a highly polished chrome (mirrored) Baphomet made professionally for him by a local member. There were two of them. Dr. LaVey's is currently in the LaVey archives, presumably. The other is owned by Dr. Lao, a present from Anton LaVey. Also around 1970, Dr. LaVey retired the chrome medallion for his personal sigil, the inverted pentagram with the lightning bolt. Dr. Lao The Circus of Dr. Lao Sent via Before you buy.
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