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To: alt.satanism
From: (Michael Aquino)
Subject: RE: Luciferian????
Date: 10 Jun 94 17:09:04 -0800

saa> could someone please tell me what the real difference between a
saa> "Satanist" and a "Lucferian" is? thank you!

"Satan" (Hebrew, corrupted from the Egyptian hieroglyphic _Set-hen_) was a
Hebrew, then a Christian demon corrupted from the Egyptian god Set. Lucifer
was originally a Roman god, later confused with and mistaken for Satan in the
early Christian Roman Empire. In _Paradise Lost_ John Milton used "Lucifer" as 
the name of the Devil prior to his fall, and "Satan" as his name thereafter.
In modern conventional Judaeo/Christian usage, the two names are used

In his _Satanic Bible_ Anton LaVey includes an invocation to "the four crown
princes of Hell - Satan, Lucifer, Belial, and Leviathan". He also divides the
book into four sections with these names. This confusion of Satan/Lucifer
comes from _The Sacred Magic of Abra=Melin the Mage_ (Mathers trans.), which
Anton learned of indirectly through Crowley's references to it in his
_Equinox_. [If one actually reads _SMAMM_, one finds that the four names are
used quite incorrectly in the _SB_, which is a risk of relying upon secondary

Historically the term "Luciferian" [in its post-Roman sense] appeared in the
12th/13th centuries, where it was used to describe a sect of Cathari in the
principality of East Friesland. The Frieslanders refused to pay tithes to the
archbishops of Bremen, hence were denounced to Pope Gregory IX as
"devil-worshippers" by Konrad von Marburg. Gregory used the "Luciferian" term
in his Bull of 1233, endorsing von Marburg, and that particular political scam 
was off and running. The sect was ultimately exterminated through Christian
torture and murder by the close of the 13th century.

The term "Luciferian" is occasionally applied to 19th century French Satanist
movements of the Peladanist type. Hence here it is something of a misnomer,
just as English wenching clubs such as Dashwood's were incorrectly called

In terms of historically precise usage, the term "Satanist" was first used to
describe a formally-organized, positive religion in 1966 when Anton LaVey
founded the Church of Satan. It continued thus until 1975, when LaVey
disavowed Satan and announced his intentions to run the Church simply for his
financial benefit. Sincere Satanists accordingly resigned from the Church en
masse and founded the Temple of Set to continue the authentic trust and
tradition. At the same time the Judaeo/Christian corrupt term "Satan" was
discarded and the original name of the Prince of Darkness - Set - restored.
: Fidonet:  Michael Aquino 1:125/430  .. speaking for only myself.
: Internet:

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