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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.christnet.demonology,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.religion.sexuality,alt.satanism From: catherine yronwodeSubject: Re: Summoning Succubi/Incubi (Theory and Practice) Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 05:28:51 GMT Nagasiva wrote, re: incubi and succubi: > there are important folk legends about methods of contacting > these beings as well. you can collect them and do them all, > if you like. an example here is one we recently heard in the > shop here from a man calling for consultation regarding an > unwanted visitation and relationship with a Night Hag, or > unwanted spiritual parasite. he said that the fact of his > (or his lover's) having left the window open while he slept > at night facilitated this infestation, and that it was ruiing > his sleep and love-life. it is possible that these types of > legends may attract the more caustic and parasitic spirits > and may be more dangerous to explore. I actually jotted down a brief verbatim account of our customers' words, because i was so interested in what he told me. Here it is, and it was obvious that he definitely blamed his second wife for the introduction of the night-hag: "This happened when I was married to my second wife. Two times a window was left open and it shouldn't have been and each time somthing came through and the second time was worse than the first, and then things happened in my life: Hag-riding. I've been hag-rid, couldn't go to sleep at night, afraid to sleep because of being hag-rid." This belief -- that night-hags enter through open windows while you sleep -- was told to me in the 1950s by my German-Jewish mother, although she gave it as a folk-tale, not believing it herself, yet not mocking it either. The man cited above was African-American. It's a very widespread belief. So if one WANTED to invite a night-hag, i think that sleeping with open windows would be a good choice. cat yronwode
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