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To: alt.satanism From: Subject: Stratification (was Re: Alien Elite, speak out!) Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 15:44:58 GMT In article <>, Kyle Gonzaleswrote: > Do any of the deity worshippers (especially the Satan worshippers) do > anything productive besides jerk off their egos in this news group? > Just wondering... I quickly look around for any creative intelligent > thought on this newsgroup, and go thru 50-100 messages a day. It takes > me about 5-10 minutes. I rarely see any ideas that are productive or > useful. My friend, what you are seeing here is Stratification in action. Simple fact of life 1: there are lots of morons in the world, who need something to occupy their time. Simple fact of life 2: Usenet is a great time-waster (not quite so good as IRC, but it's definitely up there). Thus, many of the above-referenced bored morons find their way to Usenet. Simple fact of life 3: some of the morons, having slightly more going for them than the rest, create websites, chat rooms, mailing lists, and suchlike, so they can play at leading the other morons. It may sound like I'm condemning this: on the contrary, I think it's great. Those who amuse the morons are doing a good and valuable service to the community, and should be commended. For the most part, alt.satanism is a device to keep the morons entertained. There are a few other purposes(nothing cures stress like flaming some idiot who desperately needs it, and you can occasionally find some intelligent folk on here if you're willing to comb the dungheap for diamonds), but for the most part it's nothing more than egalitarianism in action i.e. the triumph of the lowest common denominator. Instead of complaining about the low quality of posts on alt.satanism, you might want to thank your lucky stars that these idiots waste their time here and are thereby kept from polluting other, more important sources of information. Peace Kevin Filan -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
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