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To: alt.satanism,alt.pagan,alt.religion.wicca From: "Mr. Scratch"Subject: Definition of Satanism and Mesoamerica Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 20:08:03 -0800 Forwarded from E-mail. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 20:04:42 -0800 (PST) From: Mr. Scratch To: J--- Subject: Re: Definition of Satanism On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, J--- wrote: > Now you have me thoroughly confused. I thought Satanism was defined as the > worship of Satan (Shaitan). It is for some. While some Satanists are actually dyed in the wool atheists, others believe in the *literal* existence of a dark god that came to be known as "Satan" in the West. As it is considered to be a genuine entity of some sort, it's appearance is not limited to one culture, nation or religion. Those who who believe in this Prince of Darkness may call themselves "Satanists" in honor of the form as it is known in the Western culture. > I am under the impression that Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror, is the Sun > God of the Aztec pantheon (as well as the Moon and Night God), and > responsible for the ripening of crops (as well a for droughts and famines) > and bears as little resemblance to Satan as Quetzalcoatl does the the > trinity of Christianity. First, you should understand that Mesoamerican cosmology is extraordinarily complex, and at times appears to be conflicting. Tezcatlipoca was considered to be the primary supernatural power that ruled our material world (the Fifth Sun). In the form of this omnipotent power, the four ruling gods were considered extensions of his being, and given the alternate name of the colored Tezcatlipocas. They were: Black Tezcatlipoca -- Tezcatlipoca (The Smoking Mirror) White Tezcatlipoca -- Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent) Blue Tezcatlipoca -- Huitzilopochtli (Blue Hummingbird) Red Tezcatlipoca -- Xipe Totec (The Flayed One) These gods, while called under the same name, and considered extensions of Tezcatlipoca's power, were capable of acting independently. Of the four, the Black Tezcatlipoca was considered to harbor the true nature of the god, and this form was subjected to constant resistance from his opposite, the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl. As for the aspects you mentioned, it was Huitzilopochtli who was the Sun God, Coyolxoqui the Moon Goddess, Xipe Totec the God of Corn, and the Black Tezcatlipoca the God of Night. > Please explain how worship of Tezcatlipoca, or any Aztec/Inca deity is > related to Satanism. As I mentioned, the Black Tezcatlipoca was considered to harbor the true nature of the god. The name Smoking Mirror identifies his idol and tool, the obsidian scrying mirror used by his priests to peer into the future and the hearts of others. But he was also far more than this: Tezcatlipoca was the god of Black Magic, night, treachery, impurity, warfare, strife, pride, the darkness, etc. He began his career as a diety by introducing impurity into the universe (tempting the virgin goddess Xochiquetzal to eat from the forbidden Tamoachan Tree of Life). As a result he was cast down from the heavens for all time. His constellation, the Big Dipper (shown as his foot) was condemned to circle the North Star (the astronomical symbol of purity), but could never approach it. He existed afterward to upset the harmony and stagnation of human society on Earth under a number of names: he inspired strife and warfare as Necoc Yaotl (the Enemy of Both Sides), tempted men to stray from righteousness as Titlauacan (He Who is at At the Shoulder), invented mockery and trickery as Moquequeloa (The Mocker), and assisted the Black Magician as Opocheocelotl (The Left-Handed Jaguar). As harsh as he may seem, he was much admired and beloved by the Aztecs, as they understood that value was to be found in the discomfort he wrought. The strife that surrounded him was a strengthening experience for those whom could survive. He was considered the god of initiation, which in native cultures is not at all a pleasant prospect. > (If there were a parallel to Satan in the Aztec pantheon, wouldn't > Mictalantecuhtli or even Tlazolteotl be more appropriate?) While these two might be scary to behold, I'm not sure I see any attributes in their characters that might be considered a reflection of a god of darkness. Besides which, neither dabbled much in the affairs of men (as Satan is said to do), except to see them dead, or to feed on their blood. Mr. Scratch
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