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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism From: (SOD of the CoE!) Subject: 'Satanic Sacredness' (was the alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions file) Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 08:11:38 GMT 50020604 VI om alt.satanism ADMIN: >>>from 'the alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions file': (Snip) >>> The Church of Satan - Its Beliefs and Practices: >>> 7. man as just another animal - the most vicious of all >>> >>> LaVey's theology contain the following concepts: >>> * Ritual killing (of humans or animals) are not allowed. Blood >>> drawn from a victim is useless. Victims are killed >>> symbolically not actually. >>> * Human life is held in sacred regard. "a" : >> The very statement "held in sacred regard" means that you >> show respect or dedication (see below) for the human life. >> Yet by, even symbolically, killing the life ritually denies >> the very sacredness that you state is so important. The two >> statements are not in agreement with each other. bobo: > I've always thought this a contradiction also. and yet it is the basis for countless sacrificial religions, some of which even sacrifice their god(s). >underlying premise: "to consider to be sacred"; why is something > held as sacred? because we feel it is so. > by authority? internal. > what gives it sacredness? can it be taken away? ecstatic revelation. it may fade, not necessarily as a result of differing perceptions of the object. > there's a hitch in there for Satanists. 'veneration' one might > wonder if such a thing is prevalent in Satanism. some say "veneration of the self" or of oneself, but few go on to explain what this veneration includes. some even go so far as to talk about worship of the ego or worship of the self, but usually this is a semantic costume. > why should any one thing be more hallowed sanctified to a Satanist? by virtue of its relationship to the Satanist, of course. > because it had connection with some kind of historical Satanist > or Satanic spirit or god? being self-centered, "historical Satanists" will only include those recognized by the individual Satanist regarding them with honour and respect. the writings of Clemens on Satan or Shaw, for example, might be considered scripture, or even that by Voltaire on account of its clever antagonism, but this is left to the choice of the individual Satanist, as usual. > because it symbolizes rebellion or vengeance? Satanism isn't complete deleterious, blessed beast! Satanic Outreach Director Church of Euthanasia: TOKUS WEBLINKS: Ninth Scholar's Library (Satanism Archive):
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