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To: alt.satanism From: Kerry DelfSubject: Re: Satanic Bible Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 01:55:33 -0800 [posted and cc'd] On 19 Dec 1997, Izabela Wysoka wrote: > Two questions here: > > 1. You might laugh at this (or maybe cry), but I have not read SB yet (I'm > about to) and before I do... I was just wandering - what's exactly in it? > > 2. What are the rituals of the Satanic Mass? RTFB. To tell you exactly what's in LaVey's deliberately misnamed _The Satanic Bible_, we'd have to post the whole damned book -- and that would be a gross violation of copyright. In a more general sense, it contains a number of fairly interesting, light, readable (by anyone with a sixth-grade reading level) essays, a number of which are plagiarized, and most of which deal with how Anton LaVey think people should face the world. Happy reading. > Izabela Wysoka > -K.Delf -- Kerry Delf | "Perhaps the meek will inherit the earth, | but only when the rest of us are done | with it." --Massad Ayoob
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