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To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,talk.religion.misc From: JosephSubject: Re: Satan, Worship, Service, and Depiction Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 22:07:12 GMT Graeme Porteous wrote: > SOD of the CoE > wrote in message > news:G2P5a.67915$ > > > 50030222 VII Hail Satan! > > > > "Victor_LeNettoyeur" > : > > > ...I've found plenty of evidence for honor > and worship > > > of _Satan_, almost since the formation of > Christianity. > > > > by name? as the Cosmic Evil? as part of a > religious system? > > I'd like to hear more. Two references from a small book "The book of religions" comprising the views, creeds, sentiments, or opinions, of all the principal religious sects in the world particularly of all christian denominations in europe and america to which are added church and missionary statistics together with biographical sketches. By John Hayward, Boston J. S. Locke & Company 1870. 1. Satanians: "A branch of the Messalians, who appeared about the year 390. It is said, among other thing, that they believed the devil to be extremely powerful, and that it was much wiser to respect and adore than to curse him." 2. Yezidees or worshippers of the devil. "Soon after leaving the ruins of Nineveh, we came in sight of two villages of the Yezidees, the reputed worshippers of the devil. They believe in one supreme God, and in some sense at least, in Christ as a saviour. They have also a remnant of Sabianism, or the religion of the ancient fire worshippers. They bow in adoration before the rising sun, and kiss his first rays when they strike on a wall or other object near them and they will not blow out a candle with their breath or spit in the fire, lest they should defile that sacred element. That they are really the worshippers of the devil can only be true, if at all, in a modified sense, though it is true that they pay him so much deference's as to refuse to speak of him disrespectfully, (perhaps for fear of his vengeance) and, instead of pronouncing his name, they call him the "lord of the evening.' or 'prince of darkness' also, Sheikh Maazren, or Exalted Chief. Some of them say that Satan was a fallen angel, with whom God was angry; but he will at some future day be restored to favor, and there is no reason why the should treat him with disrespect. The Christians of Mesopotamia report that the Yezidees make votive offerings to the devil, by throwing money and jewels into a certain deep pit in the mountains of Sinjar where a large portion of them reside. The Yezidees here call themselves Daseni, probly from the ancient name of the district, Dasen, which was a Christian bishopric in early times. It will be a scene of no ordinary interest when the voice of prayer and praise to God shall ascend from hearts now devoted to the service of the prince of darkness, "the worshipper of the devil!" -- Joseph ( The probability for an event which can happen in two indistinguishable ways is the sum of the probability for each way considered separately) Count de Money.
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