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Question For Tani

To: alt.satanism
From: Victor LeNettoyeur 
Subject: Re: Question For Tani
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 18:00:05 -0000

"People's Commissar"  wrote in

> Of course, he's talking about the Sheriff's wife who probaby has
> opinions on Gidney.  Or perhaps the local Water Council's opinions on
> Gidney.  I suggest, since you have CHOSEN to coneren yourself with
> this and BUTT INTO this - and more - DRAG it under my nose - that you
> REread what Kaiden had to say, and reassess your one-way thinking
> (typical of xian raised people) 

First of all: Am I an "xian raised person" [sic] now? I thought I was a 
"crypto-Jew". Go figure.

Secondly: If members of the Satanic Reds are going to jump on former 
members on this global, unmoderated discussion forum, then they're asking 
for comments from the general public. I'll "butt in" to whatever I think 
is interesting. 

By all accounts, the Satanic Reds is a RHP, whitelight religious cult. 
Kaiden Fox and his nutty behavior is proof enough of that. If it weren't, 
this rambling, incoherent screed would be some excellent evidence of the 
same. In the last week the Satanic Reds has verbally harassed former 
members of their cult, and the leader of the Satanic Reds has frothed at 
the mouth when I pointed it out. 

SR looks like $cientology, without the money or the movie stars.

> I could also care less WHO thinks SR is some CiA front operating to
> help the Illuminati or the aliens take over the earth.  IDGAF. I could
> care less what SHIT FOR BRAINS think.

You don't mind if I save this for a future .sig do you?

Incidentally: I'd really enjoy reading this thesis you and Kaiden have 
been touting for years. What was the date of publication and where did he 
defend it? Thanks in advance.

Take Care,


"Jesus lived his life in a cheap hotel on the edge of Route 66..."
   -Rob Zombie

From: Victor LeNettoyeur 
Newsgroups: alt.satanism
Subject: Re: Question For Tani
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 06:39:20 -0000
Organization: Church Of Latter-Day Satanists
References:        <4054e1d1_1@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Lines: 85
Xref: alt.satanism:241268

Hello Sweet Ginger,

Please see below...

"Sweet Ginger Brown"  wrote in

> "Victor LeNettoyeur"  wrote in
> message news:Xns94AC6566666E0victor@electric.hellfire...
>> By all accounts, the Satanic Reds is a RHP, whitelight religious
>> cult. Kaiden Fox and his nutty behavior is proof enough of that. If
>> it weren't, this rambling, incoherent screed would be some excellent
>> evidence of the same. In the last week the Satanic Reds has verbally
>> harassed former members of their cult, and the leader of the Satanic
>> Reds has frothed at the mouth when I pointed it out.
> Even that is being generous, Mr.LeNettoyeur.
> "Kaiden Fox" is none other than the laughable
> lard-assed whiner Karl MacKinnon from usenet past.

Huh. No shit. I remember that name but the fireworks associated with it 
either illuminated the alt.satanism sky before I arrived in this infernal 
outpost or I don't remember them specifically. It'll make an entertaining 
google search, I'm sure.

> Dok knew Herd's CommieTsar was no Satanist, but she
> was too stupid to know she was being used as an attack dog.
> Back then, she projected her xianity onto the Temple of Set.

Now I definitely remember those fireworks.

> Personally, I did not join CoS due to the charades of their RHP
> Magister "Jantsang". It may have been funny for awhile, but it was
> only a matter of time before these fools would be aimed in another
> direction. 
> It was clear from the start that this was a very insecure and
> self-deceptive woman. She needs the support of dullards like MacKinnon
> to keep her phony persona alive. I am surprised he is not still
> whining about being the annoying, dimwitted fat kid who was "picked
> on" by his betters. *LMAO* 

Yeah, it is pretty funny. I have to hand it to Tani. She has, at least, 
proven herself capable of marshalling several weak-minded people to bark 
in her defense here.

> She was then in support of NAMBLA and knew exactly what it was. This
> is nothing more than the sour grapes of a ridiculed, spurned lover.
> She simply cannot handle rejection.
> *Chuckles*
> Sweet G. Brown

Don't disagree with your sentiments.

What's comical is the seemingly boundless energy that Tani can pour into 
re-writing history - ostensibly for no one else's benefit but her own. 
Doubtful that anyone who was around back in the day has forgotten the 
overnight transformation from LaVeyan cheerleader to the most bitter 
critic of the CoS. It's almost as humorous as her telling other people 
"not to butt in" to the crap she involves herself with here on this 
newsgroup. She is, after all, the individual who has to involve herself 
in any dispute or debate here without fail, injecting herself squarely in 
the middle of any and every controversy, regardless of whether it has 
anything to do with her.

It's too bad she wastes so much time and bandwidth on these petty 
theatrics. When she has her lucid moments she's actually fun to talk to.



"Jesus lived his life in a cheap hotel on the edge of Route 66..."
   -Rob Zombie

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