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[Post] [Email Reply] _________________________________________________________________ [QA] Did Dracula study at a school run by Satan? FROM: BJ@ALPHA1.CSD.UWM.EDU (BARBARA JEAN KUEHL) DATE: 1996/01/01 MessageID: 4c8vv5$ _________________________________________________________________ distribution: world organization: Information & Media Technologies, University of Wisconsin - Milwa ukee newsgroups: alt.horror,alt.vampyres ACCORDING TO BRAM STOKER'S NOVEL "DRACULA", indicate whether the following statement is True or False: Dracula studied at a secret school run by Satan. This is apparently true. Van Helsing's friend and colleague, one Arminius of Buda-Pesth University, made his life's work the study of Dracula and his family. It was from Arminius that Van Helsing learned much about the vampire Dracula. One of the things he learned was that "The Draculas were...a great and noble race, though now and again were scions who were held by their coevals to have had dealings with the Evil One. They learned his secrets in the Scholomance, amongst the mountains over Lake Hermanstadt, where the devil claims the tenth scholar as his due." (from Mina's Journal 30 September) Three days later (3 Oct), Seward reports Van Helsing as saying that Dracula "dared even to attend the Scholomance..." I will admit, however, that this is hear-say evidence. Does anyone know anything about this Scholomance? Baby Jinx _________________________________________________________________ [ Home ] - [ Search ] - [ Contacts ] - [ Help ] _________________________________________________________________ [Post] [Email Reply] _________________________________________________________________ [QA] How did Dracula become a vampire? FROM: BJ@ALPHA1.CSD.UWM.EDU (BARBARA JEAN KUEHL) DATE: 1996/01/01 MessageID: 4c92u6$ _________________________________________________________________ distribution: world organization: Information & Media Technologies, University of Wisconsin - Milwa ukee newsgroups: alt.horror,alt.vampyres ACCORDING TO BRAM STOKER'S NOVEL "DRACULA": Dracula obtained his vampire status a ____ after being bitten by another vampire b _?__ from Satan c ____ when he denounced God and desecrated his altar d ____ after drinking the blood of another vampire e _T__ by means unknown Stoker does not reveal how Dracula became a vampire. There is no evidence that he denounced God and desecrated his altar, an explanation which appears to have been invented for the Coppola movie. Perhaps he was bitten by or made to drink the blood of another vampire...who knows? My best guess is that he obtained his vampire status as a result of his studies at the Scholomance. Perhaps Dracula was that unlucky tenth scholar forced to pay the devil 'his due'? Baby Jinx _________________________________________________________________ [ Home ] - [ Search ] - [ Contacts ] - [ Help ] _________________________________________________________________ [Post] [Email Reply] _________________________________________________________________ Re: [QA] Did Dracula study at a school run by Satan? FROM: JBDATE: 1996/01/09 MessageID: 4ct8uj$ _________________________________________________________________ references: <4c8vv5$> <4cbho4$> to: MICKIL13TH@AOL content-type: multipart/mixed; organization:, Grand Rapids, MI, USA x-url: news:4cbho4$ mime-version: 1.0 newsgroups: alt.horror x-mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Macintosh; I; 68K) This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------------------748174466315 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii (Micki13th) wrote: DEAR MIKI, THE SCHOOL YOU REFER TO IS STIKINGLY SIMILAR TO THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL I ATTENDED AS A YOUNGSTER. TZIGANE REMINDS ME OF SISTER MARY HIMMLER, MY HOME ROOM TEACHER! TO EVIL! ---------------------------------748174466315 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain From: (Micki13th) Newsgroups: alt.horror Subject: Re: [QA] Did Dracula study at a school run by Satan? Date: 2 Jan 1996 10:07:48 -0500 Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364) Message-ID: <4cbho4$> References: <4c8vv5$> In article <4c8vv5$>, (Barbara Jean Kuehl) writes: > I will admit, however, that this is hear-say evidence. >Does anyone know anything about this Scholomance? > > I have heard of the Scholomance, however the source isn't exactly text-book. I read a book, _I am Dracula_ by C. Dean Andersson which is the supposed "true" story of Dracula (however, I am very skeptical as to the facts because it is written as fiction) But I would assume that the author did base at least part of his story in truth, and there is mention of the Scholomance. Dracula's "fiance" (for lack of a better word), Tzigane, takes him here, where he can study evil, prove his love for Tzigane, marry her, and eventually become a vampire. If I remember correctly, the "school" was supposedly in a bowl-like... crater, with thick forests on the crater walls, a huge lake with some kind of creature in it in the center, and cavers which led to rooms of all sorts. Micki (BTW, regardless of how much of the book was "historically accurate", it was an excellent book.) ---------------------------------748174466315-- _________________________________________________________________ [ Home ] - [ Search ] - [ Contacts ] - [ Help ] _________________________________________________________________
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