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Satanism: A World To Win!

To: alt.satanism
From: (Graeme Wilson)
Subject: Satanism: A World To Win!
Date: 28 Aug 1994 03:57:18 -0500

                           Satanism: A World To Win
                                CALLING YOUTH
        Black Metal and Satanism have for many - including both Christians,
and self-styled "Satanists" - come to mean the same thing. Unfortunately, many
of those bands using Satanic symbols do so simply as a gimmick. many groups,
when asked, state that they really hold Satanism in as much contempt as
Christianity. They think Satanism is just Christianity in reverse, and
therefore don't really understand what real Satanism actually is.
        Pete Helmkamp, vocalist for the Black Death Metal band Order from
Chaos, agrees with this observation, writing: "I tend to agree with you on
your opinion that most of the 'satanic' imagery or trappings is utterly
ridiculous. It is easy to wear an inverted cross; it is not easy to understand
what that symbol represents, and it is even more difficult to live the Satanic
way! I applaud your acknowledgement that these so-called 'satanic' bands
always end up regurgitating inverse Christian theology, or babble about
desecration and profanation - this is juvenile not Satanic!"
        Of course, there are also many exceptions - Black Metalers - and
others, who do have a genuine understanding of and commitment to Satanism. It
is the responsibility of these to advance Satanism as a genuine challenge to
the old order and ready themselves as warriors for the battles ahead.
        Satanism has a world to win - to take back from the systems and
religions of the masses. Satanism is Life itself, the workings of Nature, of
the Cosmos. It is the quest for human excellence... for man becoming god. It
is the law of the survival of the fittest, and thus a rebellion against all
those who seek to drag mankind down by the dead weight of "equality" and
"world brotherhood". It is the ethos of the strong - in Will, Mind & Body.
Satanism destroys that which is weak and corrupt so that the best in Life may
triumph and lead mankind to higher levels of Being.
        Satanism is both creative and destructive, representing the cosmic
balance of Life & Death. Without destruction, the rotten and decayed
cannot be
cleared away for new life. just like a garden is weeded, Satanism weeds out
the rotten and decayed amongst humanity and its societies.
        The Satanist is the warrior of this Natural and historic cycle of
destruction & renewal. He must now destroy in order to create - as the
barbarians throughout history have always done. Whenever a civilization has
grown weak and sick, an uncorrupted healthy barbarian horde has swept down to
cleanse the world of the sickness, so that a youthful, healthy new culture can
take its place. Satanists are today the heirs of this barbarian tradition.
        Where do Black Metal and certain other forms of music fit into all
this? If Black Metal, etc. is to be a genuine youth rebellion, and not a
phoney one like the New Left of the 1960s & 70s, its followers must think how
they are going to contribute to the Satanic revolt, and steel themselves to
become part of a new barbarian horde - and not merely a product of modern mass
consumer society.
        Quite a few Black Metal musicians are misleading youth and
claiming that Satanism just means "doing whatever you like". This is NOT
Satanism. it is just a hangover from the childish New Left Nihilism of the 60s
& 70s. If I were a Christian I would be rejoicing in the self-destructive
life-styles of many Black Metalers & other youths. Alcoholism and drug abuse
and anything else that weakens the individual is making that person
useless -
WEAK - as a Satanist. Such a person cannot contribute anything to this battle
- he is not destroying the enemy - he is destroying himself.
        The Satanist warrior aims to strengthen himself in every way possible.
Will the Black Metalers of today be the Iron Youth of Satanism, part of the
new barbarian horde to destroy the old, weak, corrupt world that a New Order
might arise, or will they self-destruct on drugs and alcohol and the chase
after the trivial things of the mass consumer society?????????
        This is not to say that one must be like a Christian puritan. Hell
forbid! Indulge, yes, but with balance - like the pagan warrior Greeks,
Vikings & Romans. In the Viking book of wisdom the Edda, we find this advice
on a balanced lifestyle, yet without denying the pleasures of life:
                   "Shun not the mead, but drink in measure
                        Speak to the point or be still
                  Over beer the bird of forgetfulness broods
                         And steals the mind of man.
                     The greedy man, if his mind is vague
                           Will eat till sick he is
                      The vulgar man when among the wise
To scorn by his belly is bought. The herds know well when home they shall fare
                       And then from the grass they go
                   But the foolish man, his belly's measure
                          Shall never know aright."
        Like the Vikings, the Spartans, the Romans, indulge in the pleasures
of Life, but with balance and measure so that you may be fit for battle.
Before you can conquer the world, you must conquer yourself. And Then:
                                HAIL VICTORY!
BLOOD AXIS PO Box 18009, Denver, Co, 80218, USA
SOL INVICTUS BM Sol, London, WC1N 3XX England.
ORDER FROM CHAOS C/- P Helmkamp PO Box 8471, Kansas City, MO. 64114 USA
BOYD RICE/"NON" PO Box 300081, Denver Co. 80203 USA
SINISTROUS DIABOLOUS PO Box 21020 St. Albans. Chch. N.Z.
NECROMANTIA PO Box 79006, Himittos 17202, Greece.
                          FIGHT CHRISTIAN PESTILENCE
                    Distribute this leaflet: $1.00 per 10
For further information send two IRCs (if overseas) or an SAE (within NZ) to:
                            Ordo Sinistra Vivendi
                                 P.O. Box 83
                                 New Zealand
                 Transcribed by Graeme Wilson (OSV - Dunedin)
                     Internet :
                     Fidonet  : Graeme Wilson @ 3:770/515

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