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To: alt.satanism
From: (Graeme Wilson)
Subject: Dialectics
Date: 28 Aug 1994 04:01:41 -0500

                     The Balance Factor in Society & Art
        Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have their social, cultural and
political agendas. As the "carnal doctrine" concerned with the real world it's
more than fitting that Satanism should also impact in the social, cultural and
political realms. If we accept that Satanism is the Quest for human
excellence, for continuing human ascent, then it follows that Satanism is a
resistance to tendencies of stagnation and decadence and an advocate of
alternatives that seek to elevate Man.
        We shall here suggest a Satanic perspective for several issues based
on the principle of balance via sinister dialectics.
        Many self-styled "Satanists" can be found in the ranks of those
perpetrating cultural forms which appeal to the lowest denominator, which are
aimed at the mass consumer market, and are generically called "popular
culture". Such people are not promoting Satanic aesthetics but are instead
rushing to the trough of the market place to provide the herd with its gutter
entertainment. The pseudo-Satanist is unconscious of what he is doing, and is
indeed merely himself a product of mass society, taking his cur from Christian
definitions of Satanism.
        The genuinely Satanic artist can work on two opposite levels: (1) He
can promote art which is truly reflective of Satanic aesthetics; or (2) He can
consciously perpetrate decadent art forms which he purposely contrives to
undermine the status quo.
        What distinguishes the second type from the pseudo-Satanist is
that he
pushes a sinister dialectic while remaining detached from the herd, while the
pseudo-Satanist unconsciously remains part of mass society. The genuine
Satanist knows that his real art and talent lies in playing to the herd as a
means of manipulation.
        Examples of societies reflecting the Satanic aesthetic excellence
would be those of Hellas and the Renaissance City-States. Modern examples of
how the traditional can be synthesized with the innovative would be the
painting of Salvador Dali, the poetry of Ezra Pound. A glimpse of what form
the "popular culture" may take in a future social order which incorporates the
Satanic cultural aesthetic is given in some of the creations of the young
musician/composer Michael Moynihan (Blood Axis) whose latest releases Lord of
Ages (a tribute to Mithras, as god of the Roman legions) and Electricity (a
tribute to strength and action inspired by Richard Strauss) are a
synthesis of
the traditional and the innovative.
        Such a blend of the classical and the futuristic is the
application of
a dialectical process. A balance is struck between the conservative, necessary
for establishing an artistic criterion to ensure quality, and the progressive
which is required to counter the tendency of stagnation. The two
polarities in
synthesis minimize stasis and decadence while ensuring quality and
vibrance in
the cultural organism.
        An example of a conservative society ending in cultural stagnation is
the Chinese. An example of the "progressive" repudiation of tradition
resulting in decadence is the mass culture of contemporary Western society,
starting circa. 1990.
        This social issue has been chosen because its one that many Satanists
take an unSatanic position on simply because they are once again reacting
against Christian initiatives rather than postulating their own position on
Satanic terms.
        Those who adopt an unqualified pro-abortion stance do so on the
grounds of individual choice and sovereignty over one's life. This position
can be identified with both the liberal-left and the libertarian-Right.
Christians, on the contrary, oppose abortion because they hold all human life
to be "sacred". Pro- and anti-abortionists actually start from the same
premise, although they arrive at different conclusions; they view the idea of
the individual per se as sacrosanct: on the one side, the sanctity of the
individual as an adult, and the other, as a foetus.
        Surely the logical Satanic position transcends both, and is based
on a
Nietzschean perspective of the hierarchy of human worth?
        "Every individual may be regarded as representing the ascending or
descending line of life. When one has decided which, one has decided a canon
for the value of his egoism. If he represents the ascending line his value is
in fact extraordinary - and for the sake of the life-collective, which with
him takes a step FORWARD, the care expended on his preservation, may even be
        ... If he represents the descending development, decay, chronic
degeneration, sickening.... then he can be accorded little value." Nietzsche,
Twilight of the Idols.
        Note, Nietzsche, the greatest champion of the individual, nevertheless
talks of the "life-collective". The individualism he champions is far removed
from the petty-individualism advocated by both liberal and libertarian, which
is really a trivialisation of life. The Satanic position on abortion
should be
based on whether a birth contributes to or hinders human ascent. With modern
technology and the ongoing discoveries of genetics it can now be fairly
accurately predicted what worth an unborn child will be in relation to the
ascent of the "life-collective".
        The world is awash with those of very low calibre, breeding others of
their kind without hindrance other than when those nasty old devils of famine
and plague catch up to think their populations, and then in the face of
determined resistance from humanitarians.
        The Satanic position on abortion is based on eugenics.
        On a broader scale, the whole liberal moral system needs to be
replaced with a new ethos propagated throughout society, which would
include a
recognition that the siring of healthy, intelligent and creative children is
among the most honourable of callings. The new, heretical scientific synthesis
of sociobiology shows us that all of life is permeated with an instinctive
drive on part of the individual organism to perpetuate its own genes, or
alternatively those of its closest kind, and that this drive even over-rides
that of individual survival in life-threatening situations. Where this
imperative is lacking there is something drastically wrong with the social
organism. In this Judaeo-Christian society the instinct is repressed.
        Despite its anti-abortion stance, Christianity is the epitome of
anti-Life dogma, a revolt against the instinctual. It's a paradox within the
System. But if we turn to the Christian scriptures we find Jesus praising
those who become "eunuches for the kingdom of heaven's sake", and Paul calling
marriage an unfortunately necessary institution because of those who may
thereby avoid burning in hell for "fornication". The whole Christian creed is
based on preoccupation with death, not with the continuation of life. The
anti-abortion stance is merely reflective of the belief that only god can take
life away (or alternatively those he sanctions on earth as his holy killers).
        ...A burning issue in many societies. Satanic orders do not generally
apply racial restrictions on membership. The Satanic tradition itself can be
found throughout history among many if not all cultures, and is universally
        People prefer association with their own kind, and this usually
implies an ethnic-kinship factor. But wouldn't Satanists feel more kinship
with a fellow-Satanist of another race, than with a Christian of his own race?
I believe this to be so, because Satanists themselves form a culture unto
themselves, a distinct folk one might say. It stands in contradistinction to
the rest of society. A parallel would be the Jews as a distinct people/culture
both universal and nationalist, comprising a variety of races, but bound by
common traditions, history, culture and an aloofness from outside society.
        But, while Satanism is universal in scope, this should not imply an
acceptance of some cosmopolitan creed which, like Christianity, liberalism,
Marxism, capitalism, etc., rejects the significance of racial and cultural
diversity - the products of millenia of evolution.
        "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman,
there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in union with Christ
Jesus." Paul, Gal. 3:28.
        While the Satanic cosmology is necessarily universal - reflective of
Life itself - it recognises the diversity within the cosmos - again a
synthesis of two concepts.
        What about "multi-culturalism"? Couldn't this be described as a
dialectical inter-action of cultures leading to a higher synthesis - what its
advocates term "cultural enrichment"? I don't believe so. History shows that
multi-culturalism causes factionalisation rather than a transcendent
synthesis. It tears asunder the foundations of a culture as an organism. This
wholesale importation of alien cultures into cultural organism results in what
the Spenglerian philosopher Yockey termed "culture distortion" and "culture
retardation". (Yockey, Imperium). In the context of the Western culture, an
example of culture distortion would be the influence of "Dada" in art circa.
1900 - largely the product of Jewish Nihilists and Bolshevists. An example of
culture retardation (i.e. the derailing of a culture from its
life-path/destiny) would be the redirection of funds from the U.S. space
programme several years ago, to subsidize ghetto-breeding.
        A genuine cultural dialectic where "cultural enrichment" can occur is
through a process of what Spengler himself called "pseudomorphosis".
(Spengler, Decline of the West). The process is one in which a
culture-idea is
absorbed and adapted in accordance with the imperatives of the recipient
culture. E.g., the adaptation of gunpowder as a Chinese invention of mere
entertainment, to a service of the West's "Faustian" Will-to-Power.
        An additional factor in the rejection of any cosmopolitan creed is the
Satanic principle of individual pride. Such pride best proceeds from a sense
of ones self-worth in knowing one's origins and inheritance stretching back
beyond human memory, a surer guide to who one truly is than any attempt to
impose "loyalty" toward and identity with that nebulous mass called "humanity"
- whether in the name of a god or of a U.N. resolution.
        Thus, I suggest, the Satanic position, whether applied to art, society
or politics, is essentially a dialectal one - a dynamic interaction of
polarities leading to a higher synthesis: the Balance Factor at work - the
human application of cosmic law.
                  Further Reading From Realist Publications
                 Nietzsche: Selections from his works. $5.00
Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard - A Nietzschean/Social-Darwinist classic.
153 pages $20.00
Proclamation of London by Yockey. Culture as an organism, history as
cyclic. A
synopsis of his masterwork "Imperium". $10.00
Imperium by Yockey -Spenglerian analysis of history, politics, sociology. 600+
pages. $15.00. Overseas: add $34 airmail; $20 surface.
                    All cheques & Money Orders payable to:
                            "REALIST PUBLICATIONS"
                               P.O. Box 38-262
                                 New Zealand
                 Transcribed by Graeme Wilson (OSV - Dunedin)
                     Internet :
                     Fidonet  : Graeme Wilson @ 3:770/515

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