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Sufism and Satanism

To: (ZAZAS-L Satanist Elist)
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Sufism and Satanism (3 of 3)
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 13:13:39 -0800 (PST)

49971101 aa2 Hail Satan!   NULatix

the last in a series of 3 posts I made to the tariqas elist for discussion 
of Sufism.  they include a glimpse of Satanism which is seldom voiced in the 
culture of modern Satanism, let alone amongst Sufis or Western religious.  
commentary/inquiry welcomed and encouraged in zazas-l.

blessed beast!


Subject: Satan, the Shadow, and Maturation (was all the comments on Satan)
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 12:57:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: (haramullah)

assalam alaykum, my kin.

"Jacquie Weller" :
# Is it not true that Satan, the Angel lucifer was cast out of heaven by
# God...

true in what sense?  the stories about Satan are rather new in comparison
to the ancient scriptures.  where history is concerned it is difficult to
substantiate the association of "Lucifer" with anything but popular
Christian motifs and the Book of Isaiah's mention of the King of Babylon.
the stories about angels cast out of heaven are most often originally
derived from the Book of Enoch and its variations.  in these texts the
rebel angel is called 'Azazel' and 'Semyaza' and has little or nothing to
do with any 'Lucifer' or any named 'Satan'.

and yet, why do we find these stories compelling?  what is their deeper
implication that we might retain what is a fictionalized account of an
historic incident?  I suggest that it is due to the nature of the Beast,
that our first instinct is to castigate, condemn and banish that which
we find objectionable.  a popular song by the band Genesis says it well:

		you kill what you fear
		and you fear what you don't understand.

unable to kill the shadow, the uncontrolled, the wild, Satan, many 
of us would prefer to banish, ignore and recharacterize this entity,
whose living correlates (wilderness) are now subject to the worst
torture and destruction humans can muster (out of greed and fear).
in this sense Satan, our chosen Adversary, the light-bringing angel
of the wild world, has indeed been cast out of our lives by what we
mistakenly identify as 'Allah'.  and yet Allah is the Most 
Compassionate, the Most Beneficent.  even to those whom we fear 
and loathe Allah offers Paradise, and, standing at Hir feet, we do
best to let their relationship mature of its own and refrain from
judgement completely, being wary of the wild forces of the world
and leaving the possibility open that we may reconcile with what we
take to be evil.

# it not true that the Lord's Prayer specifically ask for God's
# will (or Allah's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven). 

this may well be true, though of what this will consists and how this
relates to Satan I think is a very complex subject.  is the will of
humankind different than the will of Allah?  can they ever coincide?
can the will of Allah change, like winds in a storm?  when does firm
opposition become mercy?  so many confusing issues, how are we to
arrive at any certainty?

# ...a warriar of Allah would recognize that good overcomes evil. 

the knowledge of good and evil is a curse.  as the Old Boy once said,
knowing beauty, we create ugliness.  so knowing good we create evil.
the winds of Allah blow through all the cosmos, and yet we take some
to be 'ill' and some to be 'fortunate'.  the sage says 'so be it' and
'this too shall pass'.

# ...We are all commanded to love...even though we have much to learn 
# about what love is. 

and yet love cannot *be* commanded.  it must arise naturally or it is
false, a sham, a deception, confused and adding to the jumble that we
already take love to be in our error.

# have to be courageous about love and it is not always a
# feel good rose garden and a life of leisure. 

for this reason I allow my love of the dark, of the shadow, of
myself, and of the wild nature (Satan) to shine forth in a black
flame of perfect passion.  there will be objections, there will
be condemnation, criticism, claims of falsity and delusion.  all
these I acknowledge and go on loving That which humanity otherwise
shuns and deplores.  the condemned are my charge, to the end of
time I will be Allah's Beloved in whatever form SHe has chosen.

# I do not worship Satan. I cannot say Hail Satan. 

no one is asking you to do these things as I understand it.

# ...I can recognize that I have been my own enemy and transcend the 
# shadow self through compassion and mercy. 

in the Jungian sense we never transcend our shadow, since the shadow
is a polar, unconscious body of rejected elements we cannot bring
ourselves to acknowledge, accept and love.  only through the
integration of these forgotten and castigated elements can we begin
to resolve ourselves and truly engage unconditional compassion.

this begins in the midst of what we might take to be 'Hell', the
encounter with the Adversary with whom we may have grappled so long 
and so hard in the past that we have begun to believe our own
projections and imaginings, let alone those of society.  guardedly,
we can begin to see Satan for what SHe is rather than what our fear
paints Hir face to be.  with careful attention, we can begin to see
that SHe is an important part of us, has a role to play in the
maturation of our personality, and transform both of us in a gesture
of quiet accord.

peace be with you,


(3 of 3)
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