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Sufism and Satanism

To: (ZAZAS-L Satanist Elist)
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Sufism and Satanism (2 of 3)
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 13:09:56 -0800 (PST)

49971101 aa2 Hail Satan!  NULatix

this is part 2 in a series of posts I made to the tariqas elist for 
discussion of Sufism.  they include a glimpse of Satanism which is seldom
voiced in the culture of modern Satanism, let alone amongst Sufis or Western
religious.  commentary/inquiry welcomed and encouraged in zazas-l.

blessed beast!


Subject: If All is He, Nowhere Lies Evil (was All is He)
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 13:25:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: (haramullah)

assalam alaykum, my kin.

#> some sufis instruct that Iblis is Allah's foremost Beloved.  there is
#> an important mystery here.
E Jason :
# Why should this be so? 

if all is He, then so is Satan.  if Allah is the Beloved of Allah, how much
more so than the First Angel?  I cannot confirm the assertions of these
instructions by the sufis (indeed even Sufis) that I have heard, though
they struck a cord deep inside me of a cosmos in which love is the law.

# How are are we to understand this in terms of our own mental processes? 

wonderful question!!  we can understand it that Satan is our wildness,
our natural animal which, if squelched, will only return to assail us
in other ways through other routes.  instead we may need to form a kind
of truce, a pact, with Satan, so as to work to mend the gulf, to heal
the damage which SHe has suffered at the hands and minds of our society
and ourselves.  when we find that Godzilla was a wounded wild animal, 
in our compassion we can protect ourselves while attempting to address
and heal this wound.  for our self-kindnesses we shall be benefitted by 
a resolution of will and personality within ourselves.

# First and foremost we Trust in Allah. Without doubt, this is our 
# Absolute.  Now Allah can be found in the Human Heart and who does 
# not love themself to some degree?  The love of self is the selfish 
# aspect of Iblis, that will not bow to Gods Command to bow before 
# wo/mankind. However for us to worship ourselves, for the Divine 
# Angel in us to worship our humanity (even at Gods command) would 
# be unnaceptable. That is what most of us do. We are Satan. 

only because we think of ourselves poorly, accept ourselves as inferior,
weak, broken, bad, horrible, garbage, do we begin to feel that the only
compensation for this self-disrespect and misunderstanding of our beauty
is a worship of ourselves in some manner.  we may place ourselves upon
a pedastel, becoming our idol, and lose connection to ourselves inwardly.
we become diffracted and disturbed, the wildness of us rebels and tries
to save us by taking over, we become 'possessed by Satan'.  without our
directing attempt to reconcile the energies of ourselves, a void, an
internal waywardness, vulnerability, may be inspired.

# However Allah being All Merciful knows this and forgivs us. Slowly 
# we begin to center on the eternal and transform ourself. We have 
# to be careful that it is the Divine that grows.

indeed, careful observation of our actions, ideas and behaviors with a
critical eye to motivation and long-term, deep result is one of the most
valuable gifts we can offer our souls.  forgiveness -- the ability to
accept the condition of life and remain unattached to our past --
can allow our shift to the development of ourselves beyond crippled
children serving the delight of corporate advertizers and shysters.

what qualities do you find indicative of the development of the divine?
if we are to watch carefully for these signs, how long do we wait?  are
there intervening states of nondivinity through which we must persevere?
what is the process of individuation/gnosis/ma'rifat for which we may 
watch out in the absence of a blessed guide who takes this watch hirself?

thank you for your insight, oh one who lobs.

peace be with you,


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49971002 aa2 

assalam alaykum, my kin.

E Jason :
# What is the greatest obstacle to understanding? 

the greatest obstacle to understanding is knowledge.  we construct castles
in the clouds and forget that this is their character.  we are asked to 
come on flying journies into other castles and want to take our castle of
knowledge with us.  the two castles conflict and we cannot enter fully into
the construction of our kin.  only through leaving our castle behind can we
truly begin a tour of the Kingdom.

# Is progress possible for those who are greedy? (a greed for wisdom, 
# progress or gnosis is still greed)

where there is a need for building and accumulating, greed can be helpful.
where there is a need for trimming and releasing, greed becomes an obstacle.

# What was/is your greatest lesson?

love is and always has been my greatest lesson, though during my life love
has taken many forms, been recognized with varying understandings, and
approached from new perspectives.  such a lesson can never be mastered
and returns a thousandfold, always driving me deeper into myself.

peace be with you,


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