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Shadow-work, Satan's Character and Sexual Symbolism

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.evil,alt.psychology.jung,alt.christnet,alt.religion.christian,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.magick.tantra,alt.magick
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: Shadow-work, Satan's Character and Sexual Symbolism
Date: 17 Feb 1997 11:13:11 -0800

49970217 AA1  Hail Satan!

peace be with you, my kin.

#From: "A.Pe.S." 
#Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 15:44:56 -0800

#Along similar lines, I would strongly recomemend J. Campbells', _Hero with A
#Thousand Faces_ particularly the sections on what he calls the Monomyth.

wonderful reference.  

#In _Book IV_, Crowely discusses the commonality of story form among
#hero/savior figures (excuse my sloppy formating):

#        What is there in common between Christ, Buddha and Mohammed. Is
#        Elaborate lives of each have been written by devotees, and _there is
#	 one thing common to all three -- an ommission_. We hear nothing of
#	 Christ between the ages of twelve and thirty. Mohammed disappeared
#	 into a cave. Buddha left his palace, and went for a long while into
#	 the desert.

#        _Each of them, perfectly silent up to the time of their
#	 disappearance, came back and immediately began to preach a new law.

#	 ...while in isolation they all "beheld God" and the like.

Christ-> works begin after Satan.  
Buddha-> went into the forest.
Muhammad-> went into a cave intermittently, even, I understand,
after he had received the divine communication and instruction.

#>Satan must be hailed/healed in order to accomplish the Great
#>Work as a Magus.  

# the Satan mythos ...share some specifics on the subject?

there are several versions of the Satan stories.  Satan is variously
said to have always existed, never born; have created Himself and
created Jehovah; as the offspring (sometimes Jehovah's brother)
of some feminine divinity, at times a Great Goddess; have been the 
mistake of an incompetent Tyrant; been part of the Secret Plan of 
a Master God whose experiment consists of this universe; become Jehovah's 
greatest Lover; become Jehovah's Prosecuting Attorney; some other creation 
of Jehovah's for an original purpose made possible by Lucifer/Satan/Semjaza 
in a rebellion against Jehovah; the Master of This World; the Lord of the
Abyss; the Lord of This World; the god of This World; is Biblically
associated with 'the world' and 'the flesh'; is very often associated with
wilderness and natural disaster; often related to darkness in some cosmic
or essential sense ('Prince of Darkness', 'Shadow'); usually the one that
presides at a Witches' Sabbat (if not a goat); engages Blood Pacts with
bargainers in exchange for their soul (or entirety); is responsible for
all the troubles in life; is responsible for tempting Eve in the Garden of
Eden (as the Serpent), deceiving the Cosmic Couple and causing the Fall
(a momentous error which Jehovah would not forgive without blood sacrifice
of His Own Son); the Lord of the Underworld; the Tormentor of Condemned Souls;
the Ruler of Hell, of Hades and the 666 Planes of the Abyss; Master of the
Black Arts; Headmaster of the Scholomance; Master Musician of the Local
Instrument; is mentioned many times as 'the Dragon' and 'that Old Serpent'
Biblically; is associated with Dracula directly ('Prince of Darkness')
and indirectly (Rumanian legends); called 'the Great Wild Beast' and 'the 
Beast'; known for his lasciviousness; known for his prurience and lust;
connected with goats for this reason; known for his deception and lies;
known as a 'trickster', comedian, lawyer, entrepreneur, businessman, and
salesman; known for his animal urges, recommendations of the sins, and
persuasions into despair or capitulation; known for being bested in a vast
number of ways by the heroes of yore (often musicians or game-players); 
usually depicted with some animalistic characteristics, sometimes with
faces on various body parts; depicted as a gloomy and sometimes raging
demon, often with large bat-wings; often depicted with a goat's head;
described as having a cold icy penis which emits chilled (or burning)
sperm; known for his generosity and magnanimity, sometimes with a long-
term trick up his sleeve; sometimes described as the leader of a host of
armed rebel soldiers, often ranked and filed; enjoys sensous delights; 
delights in the torture of others; rebels at such torture and thus is
actually made hero; is the constructor of this world (cf. Brahma) or
'Demiurge' (more often Jehovah is thought of in this way by Gnostics);
is the spirit of subtle oppression (Tyrant, Slavedriver); is the dark 
spirit/matter/force of the cosmos; hero of various cultural movements 
(gothic, death metal); a spirit which causes household problems, much 
like a gremlin; the god of the antichrist; the Avatar of Evil Darkness; 
the Sender of Nightmares; the Devil; Old Scratch; Old Harry; Old Horny;
the Old One; the god of the witches (Inquisitions); an alien life form,
or robot, sent to disrupt or instruct our planet (Lam, Ramtha); related
to the stories of Set(h)/Sutekh, Ahriman, and Iblis; associated with very
spicy foods, skills in gambling, womanizing and debauch; depicted as a
very intoxicated individual, sometimes malevolent, and always self-serving;
the cause of illness, health ailments, social ills and stormy weather;
associated with certain locations (canyon, bridge, peak, dry gulches);
(lower case 'satan') any adversary (also 'shaitan' -- Hebr./Arab.); 
when there is any sort of plot involved (sometimes Satan is merely used as
a kind of Boogee Man), he is often said to be a genius/genie/djinn, often
(esp. by Muslims) their Master.  the djinn are a type of spirit which was
created between humans and Angels.  they are at times titanic/typhonian like the
Asuras or Daevas; Satan is usually the Cosmic Other, not a god which one
usuallly seeks out unless there is a spirit of rebellion in the air. 

there's a lot to this Shadow.

#>I would compare the last statement as regards the modus operandi of the
#>Magician with Crowley's and others' commentary about the nature of the
#>soul, adeptship, and the divinity of woman (more often than not the soul
#>is ascribed feminine qualities and women are considered to be more near
#>to the divine than men; deservedly as I see it).

#...I disagree. ...male/female issues in mythos and magick are only 
#symbolic of the qualities and processes that occur within each 

indeed, it is the activity which is being pursued, AC was emphasizing,
which is a certan mode of thinking, intuitively, or in some nonrational
and artistic (prophetic) fashion.

#Physical gender has very little to do with it.

with this I agree completely, though it is used as a symbolism within the
Church literature and within the masonic and cult texts which follwed this.

see  and  call: 408/2-666-SLUG!!!
 ----  (emailed replies may be posted)  ----  CC public replies to email  ---- 
 * * * Asphalta Cementia Metallica Polymera Coyote La Cucaracha Humana * * * 

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