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Satanism and Sufism

To: (ZAZAS-L Satanist Elist)
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Satanism and Sufism (1 of 3)
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 13:07:41 -0800 (PST)

49971101 aa2 Hail Satan!  NULatix

what follows this in 2 subsequent files are posts I made to the tariqas elist 
for discussion of Sufism.  they include a glimpse of Satanism which is seldom 
voiced in the culture of modern Satanism, let alone amongst Sufis or Western 
religious.  commentary/inquiry welcomed and encouraged in zazas-l.

blessed beast!


Subject: Love, Satan, Allah and Sufism 
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 15:15:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: (haramullah)

assalam alaykum, my kin.

"Jacquie Weller" :
# I posted these questions to tariqas.... I wanted to discuss this here...
# ...I encourage your response to Lobsters answer to my post.

responses to both below.  your words inspire me sister, as do those of 
the tricky Lobster.

apparently also from "Jacquie Weller" :
#> I cannot understand those who call themselves satanists. 

is it not confusing?  to understand a thing we must pay close attention
to it and see it in its context.  partial glimpses, reflections and rumors
usually provide incomplete and skewed vision.

#> I do not relate to this nor know what it means to do so. 

I do both.

#> I believe God is love and all that is the "reality of God" is in 
#> relationship and kinship with this love.

some sufis instruct that Iblis is Allah's foremost Beloved.  there is
an important mystery here.

#> I do not say the dark side does not exist but it is not what i wish to
#> dwell on and focus.

then it may not be your role and path.  follow your guide and all will
be well.

E Jason :
#> Does not the world constantly remind us of these 'satanic elements'? 

yes, but we are often lacking in observation and so screen these out.

#> How are we to avoid them? In a sense we have to accept the nature of 
#> the world. We can not avoid the world. 

we may not be able to avoid the world, but we can surely cast the world
in imaginative forms, focus on very small pieces of the world, filter
and slice and dice our perceptions of the world until it does not 
contain objectionable elements or difficult objects of observation.

#> We have to accept its existence. We also have to know that it has 
#> a dark and unpleasant side.

denial is very easy to begin, difficult to maintain endlessly.  the
religious who seek to dwell on the side of the light, painless, and
compassionate are not the Warriors of Allah.  the shade of a tree 
in the desert is a pleasant boon.

#> What is important is how this coresponds to our own ego.

the central mystery.

#> If we think the spiritual path is about preference ('I like nice people
#> saying nice things about Love - and oh - I like Angels'), we are living 
#> in a delusion. 

it is an extension of the spiritual manger.  there is sometimes a need
for protection against the storms, ordeals, trials, of the spiritual path.
if we were told we would later have to walk *into* that desert alone we
might balk and give up for the difficulty we perceive and project now.

#> That is only partial understanding - it is unbalanced. Yes the sufi will 
#> focus on Love but they will learn to Love what most people can not dwell 
#> on or focus on. Through this they will transform both the internal and 
#> external manifestion of Thought  

Allah willing.

apparently this was also from Jacquie:
#> ...there is a lot of forces...hate/love...but love is stronger
#> and purer than hate. 

the 'love' which is attachment feeds hatred, through the back door.
the 'love' which is exploitation deserves hatred from its lack of respect.
the 'love' which is convenience is less reputable than a hatred of futility.
the 'love' which is dependence can induce hatred through conditionality.

the love which arises from the dervish is stronger and purer than hatred,
since it includes hatred and all other emotional responses through 
acceptance.  most of us are not dervishes.

#> hate is overcome by love as is darkness by light. 

hatred is indeed overcome by the love from the dervish.  however, this is
not as the rival army is overcome by the superior force.  moreso it is
the result of a dissolution, a diminuation through gentle and supportive
form, as water wearing away the sides of a valley, as the pupae provides
a place of transformation for the caterpillar.

darkness and light never overcome one another.  the light of Allah cannot
be encompassed by the darkness, the darkness of Allah cannot be quenched
by the light.  yang and yin, tumbling and flying through the baptism of
our tears, are forever playmates.

#> ...there can be intellectual debate and etc etc. But I do not find
#> any truth in lies or benefit in harm...the two things cannot be in 
#> harmony imo.

all of truth is but a lie.  all lies conceal important truths.  that Truth
transcends and includes both truths and lies is a deep mystery, so deep
it cannot be explained, only pointed out occasionally.

harm and benefit are more of the yin/yang maya.  Wiccans know this who
have delved into the mystery of our Rede: "an it harm none, do what ye will."
harm may be seen in many ways.  life feeds on the demise of life.  death is
the cessation of the living being.  sometimes what seems to be 'harm' is a
necessity to benefit, and sometimes what seems to be 'benefit' is central to
the real harm.  the surgeon harms the skin to remove the cyst.  the conman
provides his confidence in the mark so as to later deceive and betray.

#> Hail Satan! (people feel fear . . .)

Hail Satan!  need we fear?  if 'hailing' is healing and 'satan' is that
which will not be controlled, despite our attempts to discipline Hir,
is this something to avoid?  pull the thorn from the paw of the lion.
bend down to attend to the leper.  the monster we presume our danger is
often our salvation.  the hunchback who keeps us jailed in fear is our
most potent ally for liberation.  when the faithful say 'Allah help us!'
I shall say, 'Allah favor the hunchback!'.

#> God is Love (people feel good . . .)

and yet what does this really mean?  people mistake Allah for less than
SHe is, mistake Love doubly so.  we settle for attachment and dependence
and leave Love to the lofty and saintly.  we deceive ourselves into thinking
that supporting the evils around us will be only a temporary affair, and
that someday, someday, we will be strong enough to deny them.  there is no
someday, and if the denial doesn't start now, it will never start.

laws arise when customs have been abandoned.  customs arise when 
humaneness has been abandoned.  humaneness arises when the Way has
been lost.  the sage treats people as straw dogs. (courtesy of Lao)

#> much of our everyday life is spent in this trivial way? We
#> respond to the meaningless and empty expressions all around us 
#> *without looking at the underlying reality*.

content in our automobiles, we overlook the fact that the roads are
paved in blood.  how is this not a support of blood sacrifice?

#> When Sufis tell Moslems to 'Dye their prayer rug with wine', do 
#> you think this is a satanic command or a multilayered and deep 
#> excercise. Until such time as people can go beyond their own 
#> capacity to be effected by the trivial words and experience - 
#> the Real intent and meaning - to become aware of what pushes 
#> their button, the will live like robots and never experience 
#> the Truth.

settled in comfort, discipline is lost.  forever fearful that we might
lose what we have, we build constraining vaults to secure our wealth,
becoming the jailers of our souls.  ignoring the ugly, the evil and
the dangerous, we pretend that we cannot change, die.

#> Hail Satan!
#> All is He.
#> He is Love.

brave heart, Lobster, thou who utter the blasphemy where I could not.

# Lobster you assume that I fear Satan...

that you may ignore Hir.

# I am deluded...etc. 

that you may reject Hir and may therefore be ignorant of Hir.

# Satan or the concept of Satan in my understanding is not love...
# Immersed in the love reality of God is not is 
# what offers bread to the hungry, it is the submission to God's 
# will and to die out to the false self, the shadow, 

Satan (is everything not a concept?  a reality of some proportion?)
is not love, at least not the love we tend to associate with Allah.
instead Satan is That which we cannot control, which we deny, hate,
and are embarassed to admit about ourselves, our inferiority, our
shadow in the harsh light of self-judgement.  Satan arises from
hatred, and will perpetuate this until we begin truly to love, at
which time Satan transforms into Allah's most trusted servant.

the love of Allah offers bread to the hungry.  to the fed, Allah's
love may inspire greater daring.  it is not delusional, it is
supportive.  this love is not itself submission but the response
to submission (perhaps only an intensification or attention to us).
the shadow is not the false self, it is that of the self which we
cannot stand, which we deny *is* part of the self, which we have
shoved into the basement of ourselves, forgotten and castigated,
like a crazy malformed uncle whom the world demonizes and who we 
would be mortified to show to the world.  we would prefer to show
our best face to the world, rather than to have it known how horrid
and ugly we feel in our deepest solitude.

# Love is more than (feeling good) You have made it sound like a surgar
# coating. The reality of God, is not the warm fuzzy ball, or angelic 
# experiences...It is not the emotional roller coaster of the mind, 
# heart that is eminated from the circumstances or imaginations. It
# permanated from the heart of God and brings liberty and freedom from 
# the shackles of self and opens up the REAL....

Allah's love does all this for us without our having to do anything
difficult?  why engage discipline, why do difficult things, why follow
out the directions of the Guide if Allah will unlock all of our shackles
for us once we have proven our dedication?  what is the science of the
Inner World for but a ladderwork by which we may approach Allah 
ourselves?  did Allah not inspire its expression to the sufi mystics so
that these valiant individuals would undertake the removal of the 
thousand veils?  or should we just pray "Allah!  remove these veils
from my eyes, I am faithful!"?

# You think I am not fully aware of the satanic elements and perhaps I am. 

how could any of us be so aware of our backs?

# I think what we focus on becomes magnifyed. 

there is a wonderful book by Sam Keen called _Faces of the Enemy_.
there are many world rulers, portions of humanity (Arabs, Chinese,
Americans, Germans, etc.) who are portrayed therein as horrendous
monsters who are in the throes of vicious anger and would surely
kill us had they the chance.  yet when we look more closely, when we 
magnify these bits of propaganda, we see that they say more about 
the people who made them than they do about those they intended to 
slander.  that magnification is an insight into *our* hearts.  

sitting in bed, shivering from fear, knowing that in the closet and
under the bed there lie humungous powers of adversity who are just
sadistically waiting for us to close our eyes and drop our guard 
(they long to possess and do unspeakable things to us), we completely
misunderstand the experience.  eventually we grow old enough, brave
enough, to look into those darknesses ourselves, hopefully at once
coming to know the shadow of ourselves.  too often we forget the fear,
explain away the presence as 'mere imagination', and disbelieve in
immanent (and internal) evil and the Devil forever.

# I focus on that which brings peace and is of service for God's 
# will and purposes as they show up in daily like.

peace is over-rated and misunderstood.  too often we presume that it
consists of a mere lack of conflict, settle for stagnancy where peace
would require combat, and become something we never wanted to be.  how
shall the sufi discern upon what to focus?  shall the target always
be that which appears to benefit us (will we deny surgery?  discipline?),
or will we fix our attention upon the True Guide despite whatever may
appear to come from our action?  is not the Green One's instruction to
Mosheh pertinent to this?  we are ignorant and to presume otherwise is
to fall off the path.  relying on Allah for all things, I become Satan.

# It boils down to the simplicity of feeding someone is hungry, 
# comforting someone who is grieving, and praising God for his 
# goodness which is above all evil.

how dear and beautiful is this act of charity.  eventually we may
find that the someone who is hungry is us, that the grieving occurs in
our hearts, and that the praise of Allah is by Allah.  when we look
inward we may find that the black and white squares of good and evil
form a collage of mystery we cannot discern until we enter into the
game itself and find Allah playing both sides.  

the sage says 'is that so?' and 'this too shall pass', even while she
appears to benefit and harm in the name of Allah.

peace be with you,


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