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satanism and Satanism

To: alt.christnet,alt.religion.christian,alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: satanism and Satanism (was the alt.satanism Frequently Asked Questions)
Date: 5 May 1999 00:06:04 -0700

IIIom 49990505 Cinco de Mayo!

Matt Paradise's FAQ:
#> Devil worship is what it is: the worship of an external deity,  much 
#> as it could be labeled inverse Xtianity (FrodoWizz) writes:
# Satanism is the worship of a diety fallen from christianiaty..

this is your Satanism? if not, why are you espousing it? do you
have some sort of observational evidence backing this claim?

# much like a spin off of a prime time tv show..

sounds like the memes have embedded your nervous system strongly.
you are talking about "satanism", a fictional construct created
by Christians (and sometimes taken up thereafter by the twisted
within this religion) as a condemnation scheme used to oppress 
competing religions. 

# it can not be labeled as a religion as it exists only as an 
# opposition to 1 of the many true religions.. 

'true religions', heh. this is actually an interesting comment,
though you didn't mean it this way. some suggest that Satanism
is an upwelling counter-current to religion and as such cannot
be considered a religion itself so much as an anti-religion,
dependent in a way upon that which it opposes. compare the
vairosaivite saints and their protest poetry, disciplines in
India, for example, or the Yezidi and their differing attitude
toward Iblis.

# it can better be viewed as "shoestrings" to a shoe..
# the shoe can be worn without the shoe string, but not the opposite..

a shoestring holds my bangs back pretty well. think more imaginatively.

# Satanism is generaly the practice chosen by those who feel 
# rebellious for some reason.. a teen that gets grounded, a 
# 20 year old woman or man with a low self esteem, abused 
# children..

yes, you do appear to be talking about satanism here. given
this, let's proceed. the reason that these individuals feel
rebellious is that they are severely impacted by their
contextual environment and want to escape like emerging from
a coccoon -- they want to break free of the internal and
social shroud of encapsulating Christianity within which
they find themselves, and so they seek out the shred of
hope they can perceive: the condemnation scheme put forward
by their religous authorities, "satanism". a concoction of
the Christian culture itself, like Satan and the whole
dualistic cosmology by which they delude the forlorn, the
spectre of "satanism" is of course a direct inversion of
their hallowed and ridiculous rites, self-absorbed and
quaintly counter-habituating the rigour of monastic and
priestly disciplines of those who would sometimes take
them up as mystical disciplines despite the consequences.

# its highest document, the lords prayre, is recited 
# backwards, again showing its spin-off roots.. 

satanism's 'highest document' has been superceded, didn't
you hear? instead of just reversing something that the
Christian god is supposed to have made, the Christian
Satan is supposed to have written a competing text that
he has called 'The Satanic Bible' (uh-oh, the Christians
didn't get very clear on that text's name, are we sure
it isn't "Satan's Bible" or "The Infernal Testament"?).

there is a whole swathe of stereotype to use for one's
amusement in scaring the ignorant and/or playing Evil
Magian Fire Worshipper. you forgot the Black Mass, and
the Blood Pact and the anti-Christ of Christian scripture.

of course don't confuse these with Satanism, which tends
not to have much to do with these on account of their
Christian flavor.

# in closing.. Satanism is the choice of those with no 
# direction, those with low self esteems, and those with 
# no  forseen future 

satanism is indeed the choice of these individuals, but
as the number and believability of Satanism grows this
character will change, since those who wish the strength
to rebel and cast off their oppressive religious context
will understand that theirs is a legitimate and perfect
response to a ridiculous and perilously dominating cadre
of the deluded and psychotic.

it may be that those who engage satanism are actually
attempting (no matter how foolishly) to RESCUE their
self-esteem through rejection of the Baby-Killer god,
his ever-dying son, and the dove-ghost-Santa-Claus
while taking up a support of the agent apparently
responsible for an early rebellion against this
obviously unwarranted authority.

the rejection of the authority is the first step. this
is why the Black Mass has been understood as a single
example of self-deprogramming within a religous cult
and generalized thereafter by modern Satanists to
include the travesty of ANY religious ritual framework
to which one feels constrained or enslaved. ridiculing
these patterns of behavior is LIBERATING, yields true
ecstatic catharsis when performed properly, and can
succeed in freeing the individual from a lifetime of
parasitic mental infestation by the religous cult.

now tell us something about real Satanism or go away.
you don't know how often your tired diatribe has been
peddled in these parts and how foolish you make yourself.

blessed beast! 
emailed replies may be posted; cc replies if response desired

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