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To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.philosophy.taoism
From: I@no.self (!)
Subject: Satanism (was Re: Deception ....)
Date: 29 May 1997 01:55:58 -0700


peter li'ir key 
>> > > what is a "satanist"?

what Markus means to imply is a type of illusory "cult"
 member who is ostensibly dedicated to violation and
 deception.  such cults do not exist in any number and
 these types of activities are more often found with
 relation to religions like Christianity (look up data
 on priests and the frequency of molesting boys sometime)

there have been a wide variety of modern false alarms
 concerning these 'cult members' despite the fact that
 government agencies have conducted searches for evidence
 of their existence and come up empty-handed. a number
 of Christian 'experts' seized on the hooplah generated
 by such memorable charades as that promoted by the
 authors of _Michelle Remembers_ and _Satan Sellers_
 to whip up a contemporary witchhunt, adequately outlined
 but such exemplary agencies as the Ontario Consultants
 on Religious Tolerance (see the following URL)
"Markus" :
>> > You misunderstand. You can leave Taoism without other
>> > Taoists threatening to kill you on religous grounds. It is
>> > not so in many Satanist cults.

there are no 'Satanist cults', and the picture you portray of
 Satanism is neither complimentary nor accurate.  study up

peter li'ir key :
>> have given into the hysteria surround satanism.  
>> do you think that tyagi is such a satanist?  to be 
>> assured, there is a high probablity he will tell you so.

my Satanism is entirely my own, as is often the case
 with Satanism

"Markus" :
>Satanic cults are as varied as Christian denominations.

Satanists are such, yes, perhaps moreso

>In the more devout groups the initiate is required to
>take an oath which binds him/her to the group. 

true of most religious, yes

>It is similar to the bind between gang members It is very 
>difficult to leave the group without reprisals. 

no more difficult than other religions.  from where do you
 derive your information?  which organizations have you
 studied that you are calling 'cults'?

>Whether or not Tyagi is in such a group I cannot say.

I am a member of several groups, though none which fit
 the description you offer
>> > For example: Child sacrifice is a core issue in Satanism.

a lie.  perpetuate it and you condone deception

"Markus"  writes:
>Among those groups that worship Satan 

there are few Satanists who worship any entity called 'Satan'.
 this is a Christian slander and projection, devoid of truth

>or a divine force ritual sacrifice is a means to achieve power. 

this is not always the case, but is sometimes true

>Animals are usually used, such as cats, dogs, goats, rams. 

this is less popular among Satanists than among African diaspora
 or Indian religious (esp. those who worship Kali)

>Still the ultimate sacrifice is considered to be a human.

very few Satanists think in these terms.  no murder has ever been
 demonstrated in association with a Satanist organization.  
 the hype you read may be your own

>Your impression of my knowledge does not interest me.

this is important to consider

>Your attempt to trivialize Satanism into something benign does.

slander against what is now a legitimate religious pathway
 is serious business.  why do you perpetuate it?

>Knowing evil and acting on it are different things.

'evil' is a quality which you project, nothing more.  even the
 best taoists tell of this.  refer to the story of the old man
 who keeps replying "so it is" each time a new thing happens.
 not "oh good for me" or "oh how evil", etc.
>> is the satanic garb the only one he wears?

>I cannot say. My argument is with the current facade.

we have not begun an argument.  instead discuss and learn

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