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Satanic Pact Benefits

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.satanism,alt.magick,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.religion.wicca
From: lorax666 
Subject: Satanic Pact Benefits
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 02:35:29 GMT

50030326 VII om peace

lorax666 of Anne Rice:
>>...I've read some of her books, including
>>some of her rather wooden BDSM fairy tale material (Sleeping
>>Beauty continuations). I liked the books "Interview With a
>>Vampire" and "Vampire Lestat" and the movie of the first....

>You didn't like Queen of the Damned with Stuart Townsend? 
>I actually liked that much better than Interview. Stuart was 
>a far better Lestat, and Vincent Perez was perfect as Marius.

I never saw it. thanks for the review. outside a better
appreciation of your taste in films it is somewhat vague.

>Have you ever read Dan Simmons? He's another favorite of mine.

his "Songs of Kali" was a brief inspiration, but I don't recall
very many other books of his I've been aware of or read. anything
in particular? he wasn't the one that did the Ninja books, was he?

> ...What, exactly, did you receive from Satan in exchange for 
> your "blood oath"?

dunno who you're quoting there. it was a blood pact, an alliance,
between sovereign powers with overlapping principalities, for 
mutual support against common adversaries in exchange for the
satiation of my every desire. as such, the exact particulars of
contribution from Satan are of mixed category (internals as well
as externals) and proportionate to my activities serving Satan,
as I can assess them after the fact.

the best way I can describe the result of my alliance, what I 
associate with the blood pact, is to make reference to what has 
happened to me and the variation in my environs since the time 
of my pact (my overall conditions have *completely* changed).

from a relatively simple urban existence in which I was acting
largely alone and from a position of dissonance in personal and
financial realms (at odds in some ways with my lovers at the 
time and inversely-aligned with respect to social schedules 
and contextual values), surrounded by a meager, mass-manufac-
tured suburban sprawl with stucco ceilings and conventional,
lower-middle-class repetitiveness and blandness (intentionally
and willingly-engaged for the purpose of ascetic discipline,
minimizing for resource-conservation and other values such as
social experimentation in anarchistic, shared households), I've
shifted to a less mobile, more romantically-fulfilling life
enriched in sensual and intellectual enjoyments, resonantly-
aligned to my partner and wife whose values and availability
are conducive to coordinated and continued mutual exploration,
as well as joint promotion and support of our personal projects.

integration of domestic and economic factors enables an expanse
of intimacy and mystical interfusion which the bifurcation of
previous arrangements strained considerably. after a complete
reorientation to new surrounds (an obvious shift that occurred
more than 2 years after my pact, once I'd returned to service
to nonprofit organizations aligned to Satanic virtue -- that
particularly having been my support for offices dedicated 
to the personal needs and rights of prisoners of my society),
I would affirm that satiation of desire has been a major result
of the variety of changes I made subsequent to the blood pact.

a dissolution of the lifestyle I'd pretty well mapped out in
the city of my birth was to great extent matched with my own
efforts to resume ordinary alignment to conventional society
and work toward right livelihood (rather than continue an
isolating and mostly solitary adherence to martial posts 
in a flexible and successful security employment). in other
words, stable reorientation led to a transcendental epiphany
and a complete relocation.
as I don't regard Satan as entirely separate from myself, 
it would be imprudent to suggest that all of the credit for
the outcome to date is due to either Satan or to me. what I
have watched for, instead, was the behaviour of the wild, 
both interior and external, and how it might align with or
seriously oppose my activities. my impression, after having
observed overall composure of my actions and their placement,
is that conditions in my immediate environment subsequent to
the blood pact have been decidedly conducive to the support
of internal freedom with respect to desire (i.e. its satiation).

I don't expect those who dwell far from my circumstance to
be able to verify this condition-change over time, since the
signing of said pact, but since you asked for a report, I've
given here what I can in reflection of what I've obtained.

blessed be!


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