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On Satanism and Anger

From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) On Satanism and Anger
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 10:59:24 -0800 (PST)

49971124 aa2 Hail Satan!                             (Xposted to Zazas-L)

on Satanism and Anger

re 'what a Satanist does when she is full of anger':
the supposition that conditional remedies can be ascribed to the flexible
liberation that is Satanism is a myth.  no one standard of behavior can
be recommended as 'Satanic' by the sincerely respectful beyond 'whatever
she truly desires to do' or a formula for resolving situations oneself.

having said this, if the question were phrased differently, such as 'what
responses to being angry do you consider exemplary of Satanic character?'
(this is idealistic, not restrictive), then I would suggest the following
three alternatives, depending on the rationality of context:

	1	engage the anger and act on it; anger is often a healthy 
		response to violation; where it is not misplaced, then 
		swift, remedial action ought be taken while the iron of 
		anger, so to speak, is still hot, yet tempered with some
		reflection so as not to result in a 'crime of passion'
		that might imperil one's liberty.

		-- do ritual, contemplate deeply, dwell on the situation
		   within which the anger arises, generally allow the
		   anger to grow and overcome the consciousness in a
		   glorious conflagration of malevolent dastardliness; 

		-- when its flash has settled somehow, set about acting
		   on the feeling in a manner which directs deserved,
		   balanced and, if necessary, untraceable energies to
		   the stimulus for which the anger was a response; if 
		   there is an objective of dissuading repeated offense 
		   with reasonable response keep this in mind.

		-- once the action has been taken, venting the anger 
		   into it, then there should be little residue that
		   remains and a better idea of the effectiveness of
		   the strategy will result over time seeing the fruits
		   of the remedial response; dwelling on the past is
		   usually a waste of everyone's time, and if we 
		   associate our action as a 'cost' of the offense,
		   then all accounts have been rectified through our
		   activity, even if the offense occurs more than once
		   and the cost increases cumulative to the trespass.

		-- choose battles carefully; assessing relative power
		   differentials and timing of response is crucial to
		   communicating displeasure and effectively dissuading
		   offenses directed toward one's person; learn from
		   mistakes and admit errors of judgement; temper and
		   refine both intellectual analysis and emotional
		   envelopes of endurance; contemplate ideals of what
		   are called 'cold-blooded revenge' in media and myth;
		   observe animals in the wild or through documentaries
		   and note how their response is often swift and fiery,
		   demonstrating their power and boundaries but not
		   overstepping social taboos so as to become exiled,
		   imprisoned or slain as a result of escalation.

	2	restrain any action and re-assess the situation carefully;
		anger can sometimes be a response to *perceived* violation
		that hasn't actually just taken place.

		-- learn breathing exercises which enable sustained
		   emotional intensity without actuating the result;
		   engage meditative and/or biofeedback technologies
		   that temper the emotional experience sufficiently
		   so as to begin a reasonable evaluation of the
		   situation within which the anger arose.

		-- become adept at self-analysis, inclusive of review
		   of past violations that may be triggered in present
		   circumstances, causing one to 'over-react'; learn
		   to discern between clear assessments of violation
		   that require response of some type (even if just a
		   a communication that violation has taken place --
		   "excuse me, sir, but you just stepped on my foot.")
		   and those which may require venting in ways not
		   related to the incident (such as confessing these
		   apparent over-reactions to friends, family, one's
		   therapist, Satanic priest, etc. -- getting into the
		   feelings with someone who can listen well without
		   offering advice, but for the purposes of but 
		   understanding our feelings and reactions better).

		-- practice a balanced approach of self-esteem building
		   and reasonable self-criticism; like pruning and
		   nurturing a garden, we avoid the problems of 
		   overblown growth by maintaining a stable foundation
		   upon which we stand; becoming familiar with realistic
		   power parameters and volitional thresholds, we are
		   more capable of entering into contemplative reflection
		   in situations where intense emotional energy arises.

	3	redirect the anger toward something else; whether because
		of timing, freshness of similar wounds, or an understanding
		that the violator realized the error and our unleashed
		anger would not assist them in future restraint, there are
		times when redirection of anger (often into the physical
		realm, since emotional are usually visceral energies) is
		the best means of achieving one's desires (the overall goal).

		-- develop a familiarity with vigorous activities such as
		   running, boxing, wrestling, hiking, rock-climbing,
		   rowing, biking, etc.  come to understand how their
		   physically exertive qualities can be used to channel
		   anger which is not presently useful in resolving the
		   situation with which it is associated.

		-- explore other types of activities, such as 
		   entertainments within which an antagonist is or may 
		   be engaged and pummelled, destroyed, vaporized, etc.
		   video games, role-playing and board games with
		   friends who like this kind of thing, and movies
		   and books (comic books esp.) are all examples of
		   such entertainments and are popular means of
		   engaging redirected anger.  certain types of music
		   and art may be very effective in engaging emotions
		   in redirective ways (punk rock, metal or noise
		   bands can excite and liberate pent-up angers from
		   city life to family squabbles; if possible turn
		   up the decibels and move as the music inspires).

		-- examine how well pent-up emotions might fuel an
		   activity in daily life which requires exertion.
		   occupational work, household chores (scrubbing
		   the bathroom or kitchen surfaces), yardwork, 
		   running errands, dealing with nuisances which
		   require a certain degree of chutzpah or flagrant
		   inflexibility (calling debtors to account, 
		   telling a rude family member exactly what one
		   thinks of their years of prejudice, etc.) are
		   all possibilities here.

		-- allow for the possibility that the anger may
		   dissipate with some 'time out'.  take a hike
		   around the neighborhood, through the park,
		   in a nearby recreation area or trails area,
		   get in some time at the beach playing volleyball
		   or quietly wandering the shoals, explore the
		   downtown area, walk out to a deserted meadow
		   with a picnic for one.  do something nurturing
		   for yourself in this time where something feels
		   lacking (beware pseudo-rewards like substances
		   which amp up emotional responses).

		-- express the anger in honest, direct, WRITTEN
		   form, as a journal, to get it out and visible.
		   some find that poetry or stream-of-consciousness
		   style of writing works better than dry descriptions.
	           this can be very helpful in situations where there
		   are few other options -- usually taking out a pen 
		   and paper and beginning journalling will not disrupt 
		   the activities of others and can be concealed as 
		   private if there are intrusions.

re what a Satanist could do to someone with whom she is angry:
the limitations are only power-oriented in the immediate, though it is
very wise to keep in mind the POSSIBLE REPERCUSSIONS resulting from any 
act so taken.  violating the law can lead to restrictions on liberty or
power.  violating another in response can lead to feuding, which could
become a drain on resources and peace of mind.  acting covertly to
violate another could reflect poorly upon one's reputation if 
discovered.  expressing anger verbally could bring one a (valuable? :>)
reputation for being a bear, ogre, or maniac, possibly dissuading
others from becoming vulnerable in one's presence (one of the marks of
real intimacy) or taking one seriously.  symbolic action such as ritual 
killing or what is conventionally called 'black magic' (harmful acts
supposedly achieved through symbolic rite -- I have no evidence that
these are effective, but I am going about some experimentation starting
with some simple love spells upon willing 'victims' :>) could lead to
ostracization from the occult or religious community of one's previous
involvement, persecution by fanatics of fundamentalist persuasion, etc.
doing nothing could result in becoming known as a 'push-over', leading
others to offer violation without concern for any kind of response.
while this sounds complex at first and the ideal seems to be to avoid
repercussions, this is not always possible.  plan for them.  for examples
of what types of actions to take, consult popular media sources.  they
are loaded with people who are prosecuted for, portrayed as, or
discussing the history of and ramifications for a variety of violations.
certain media genres are more conducive to certain types of response.
soap operas are loaded with deceitful artistry.  horror stories, initiation
analyses and fraternity remniniscences sometimes yield quite devilish
means of exacting revenge.  

some films depict actions which result in peaceful resolution between the 
disputing parties.  books on psychology and how to handle anger ("self-help") 
can sometimes offer advice in this regard, as can personal therapists and 
counsellors (my Abyss and I have been seeing a relationship counsellor for 
a year or so and have found ways to resolve our differences -- at times 
heated ones! -- developing means of shorting-out hampering dynamics and 
misunderstandings that otherwise can result in angry interactions).

generally continue to reassess the means which are being used to effect a
desired result.  see if the result is actually being attained.  occasionally
question whether alternative results might not be more attractive.  how much
energy is valuable to sustain angry interactions?  is feuding something that
is enjoyable?  are there benefits to revenge?  these kinds of questions can
only be answered by the individual, and the Satanist finds hir own answers.

blessed beast!
nocTifer:  ---
TOKUS-COE Office: 408/2-666-SLUG --- Mother Church (CoE)
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