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Marshalling the Army of Darkness

To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Marshalling the Army of Darkness (fwd)
Date: 17 Feb 1998 00:24:22 -0500

49980216 aa2 Hail Satan!

[submitted for general comment/advice on techniques/references]
[originally sent to kin I met on IRC, who shall remain anonymous]

you were kind enough to engage me in conversation concerning some
summoning work I am intending to construct.  for reference, here 
is what I have come up with thusfar:

	INTENT: macro/astral -- the reconstruction of the Armed
		         Forces of Satan in service to the Wild.

		micro/persona-- the reconciliation of my personal
			fragments dispersed by social conditioning.

		to my knowledge I am to summon each demon into me
		directly without protection of any kind, achieving
		an occultation of my consciousness by their power,
		a kind of combining and co-mingling of energy,
		perhaps also charging or enfusing a magical object
		like a ring or staff (the details on this latter
		are as yet unclear).

	MYTHOS: predominantly Judeochristian, inclusive of a demon
		list which presupposes a militant opposition to
		the Christian cosmology and religion; the demons
		will mostly incorporate a variety of old gods and
		destructive or anti-Christian spirits.

	METHOD: to be constructed

	PREP:   I have prepared a master list of demons, though
		this also contains goetic names and even some 'evil'
		Judaic entities (e.g. Samael) which I may decide 
		to leave out on account of bias.

		I wish to come to a general understanding of the
		basics of demonology, inclusive of modern popular
		systems if they exist (e.g. Goetic; perhaps Enochian; 
		Typhonian, the latter of which I have some 
		familiarity from research already) and how they may
		relate to one another, what methods are usually
		used to effect the summoning, how this might be
		inverted or reconfigured in presumption that my
		summonings will bring beings aligned to my will).

		once this preliminary study is completed, then
		I will fill out the association schema of the
		master list from references and design a system
		of invocation which suits the task.

you were kind enough to consider these things and suggested the
the following:

		* Liber Astarte vel Berylli sub fibura CLXXV
		   (with which I have some familiarity)

		* _The Complete Golden Dawn_, by Regardie
		   (section on telesmatic images)

(which I have to hand in the library here)

and		* _Goetic Evocation_, by Saevedow.

(which I think I saw in a local bookstore recently and will

when I asked about the Enochian system and whether this was at
all related to the Fallen Angels of the Apocrypha, you indicated
that this was a creation of Tyson, whose work I haven't read,
though I mentioned that Dee seemed to refer to the Enochian
entities as 'angels'.  other Enochian folx I've spoken with did
NOT like the suggestion that there was a relationship between
the beings they were evoking/summoning/scrying and the Apocrypha.

unless I hear objection from you I want to post the entirety
of this email to a few elists (Satanist, magick-related) and see 
what kind of response I receive.  I have the following texts
currently at my disposal from which to construct the system of
invocation (commentary on usefulness in this work would be helpful):

	_The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King_
	 (first book of the 'Lemegeton', transl. Crowley)

	_The Magus_ 
	 (compilation of Agrippa and others by Barrett)

	_The Book of Ceremonial Magic_
	 (goetic variety compiled by AE Waite)

	_The Lesser Key of Solomon: the Book of Evil Spirits_
	 (first book of the 'Lemegeton', ed. L.W. De Laurence)

	_The Secret Lore of Magic_
	 (compilation of many grimoirae by Idries Shah)

	_The Greater Key of Solomon_
	 (supposedly transl. by Mathers, ed. by De Laurence)

	most of 'The Equinox'
	 (unsure what might apply)

	_The Satanic Bible_
	_The Satanic Rituals_
	  (LaVeyan composites)

	_The Necronomicon_
	_The Necronomicon Spellbook_
	  (Simonian jestures)

	a decent library of Hermetic, Wiccan and Judeo-
	 christian texts, the first to containing quite a
	 bit on summoning or spells, though often either
	 outside the Judeochristian cosmology or from
	 a Judeochristian perspective such that the
	 'demons' are either antagonists or such as wild
	 beasts against which they must guard.

I also have access to a decent university library and,
as I live within an urban center, can probably acquire
most non-rare texts via interlibrary loan with notice.

any input you may have would be appreciated.

blessed beast! (nocTifer)
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