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Independent Satanism

To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan
From: (Tyagi Nagasiva)
Subject: (Z) Independent Satanism
Date: 1 Mar 1998 19:58:50 -0500

49980301 aa2 Hail Satan!

To: private email
~Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 11:24:41 -0700 (PDT)

[two essays on Independent Satanism; first and second draft;
 never published, thrown to the winds for your amusement and critique]


the social oatmeal of the religion of Satanism is lumpy.  
as in other religious movements, congregations of 
individuals gather under the banner of leaders within 
organizations and adhere to the doctrines and practices 
made popular by them and their public expressions.  by 
virtue of the focus on the value of individual 
expression and rebellion in Satanism there is a broader 
spectrum of person among the nonaffiliated.

many have attempted to taxonomize Satanism by its 
constituent interests.  deriving classification-schemes, 
they may fabricate exclusive factions where none 
necessarily exist.  categories such as 'Heavy Metal', 
'Freestyle' and 'Self-styled' are used in an attempt 
to explain away or somehow separate the more rebellious 
and objectionable elements (often adolescent or strongly 
counter-cultural) from those which have more popular 
support from organizations and society.  

popular concepts (inspired by media or Christian 
teachings) play a more prominent role in the 
development of thought and practice of independent 
Satanists than their organized counterparts.  this 
may include illegal activities among the alienated or 
frustrated (desecration of cemeteries, graffiti of 
popular anti-Christian symbols and slogans, etc.),
yet the independent Satanist is just as likely to be 
concerned as the average citizen for hir freedoms 
which might be otherwise jeopardized by such behavior.

nowhere is the *cause* of involvement with the Satanic 
more clear than among the solitaries in a Christian 
society.  issues of self-esteem, values contrary to the 
social norm, theology of wrathful and controversial content
become key factors in the attention that such involvement 
is likely to draw.  the character of the individual who 
champions such a cause, especially in the environment of 
blatant opposition, is likely to be unique regardless of 
hir specific qualities.

as the alienation and social fragmentation of urban culture 
tend to result in the angst which is associated with 
Satanism and its manifestation among individuals, this is 
often catalyzed by popular media attuned to this experience.  
loud, anger-filled rock music with apocryphal themes (these
days termed 'Black Metal') or literature which decries the 
evils of a puritanical (usually Christian) society are popular 
sources for this inspiration.  groups such as Slayer and 
Bad Religion and authors such as Anton LaVey have utilized 
the media successfully to reach these (often teenage) people 
and provide them with a common subculture.

while this sort of popular (and in many cases short-term) 
Satanism may be more common outside organizations which 
retain a continual set of values and doctrines, there is a 
lesser-known and rich history of art which is directly 
associated with Satan (sometimes at first by the surrounding
society in its fear of innovation).  classical and jazz 
musicians as well as many poets and novelists provide a 
backdrop for the unique, often mystical Satanists who tend 
to reside in the shadows of society, gnawing slowly at its 
roots and turning this sweet nectar into the stuff of 
psychosocial and artistic revolution.

artists such as Liszdt, Wagner, Baudelaire, Byron, Milton, 
Goethe and Bosch have created some of the most inspirational 
works, often unknown and unacknowledged for their Satanic 
splendor.  the more intellectual and/or mature solitary 
Satanists reflect on these in the creation of their own 
religious rites, doctrines, hymns, icons and anthems.  
as there is usually no perceived 'authority' by such 
individualists, there are few limitations to the style 
and complexity that such expressions may include.  

the popular figure of Satan or Lucifer typically incorporates 
an element of rebellion as His life-theme, and so too does 
much of the work of solitary Satanism integrate or experiment 
with revolution of thought or lifestyle, politics or religion.  
innovation, opposition to the prevailing norms, and challenge 
to social taboos are commonly found amongst those who take up 
the independent Satanic standard on a long-term basis with 
some comprehension of the rich history that underlies it, 
albeit sporadic and diverse in its manifestation.

new organizations, artistic styles, cultural movements, and 
scientific discoveries are sometimes attributed to the genius 
of a person who serves as a major catalyst.  this genius is 
identified by foes and supporters alike, especially in a fearful 
puritanical society, as 'the Promethean' or Luciferan spirit', 
'the Prince of Darkness', or among the devout, 'Satan'.  such 
acclaim and condemnation carries with it certain penalties 
and rewards for those who identify this genius within their 

lives as the inspiration for their works.  the solitary Satanist 
thus faces both risk and compensation for hir religious 
activities, depending on the reaction of the surrounding society.

it is difficult to make generalizations about Satanism of itself, 
let alone those who blaze the trail on their own as solitaries.  
what makes someone a Satanist is a subject of contention among 
divergent factions within and without the religion, and ultimately 
we are left to assess this based on the actions and words of the 
particular individual.  what might unify or serve as a foundation 
for Satanism generally and independent Satanism in particular is 
the identification with the figure of Satan in some manner one 
finds personally valuable, carrying this into one's life as as a 
meaningful element and source of inspiration.

nocTifer (

To: private email
~Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 18:58:44 -0800 (PST)

SATANISME INDEPENDENCIA (Second Draft: 01/08/97; First: 10/22/96)

by virtue of the focus on the value of individual 
expression and rebellion in Satanism there is a broader 
spectrum of among those not affiliated with Satanic 
organizations.  the path of solitary Satanists is more 
often derived of the angst of alienation and social 
fragmentation in urban culture rather than as a desire 
to conform or belong.  

loud, anger-filled rock music with apocryphal themes 
(these days termed 'Black/Death Metal') or literature which 
decries the evils of a puritanical (often Christian) society 
are popular sources for this inspiration.  groups such as 
Slayer and Bad Religion, authors such as Shaw, Baudelaire, 
Michelet and LaVey, and graphic artists like Giger have been 
snapped up by solitaries, becoming raw material in the 
fabrication of a diverse and vibrant counterculture, rather
than accepting that which is generated internally by the
less chaotic, and at times more insular, organized groups.

this atmosphere creates a backdrop for the unique, often 
mystical and/or political Satanists who may reside in the 
shadows of society, gnawing slowly at its roots and turning 
the sweet angst-filled nectar into the stuff of psychosocial 
and artistic revolution, a more common activity outside 
organizations such as promote a set of constant values and 
doctrines in support to the integrity of the group.  

popular ides (inspired by media or Christian teachings) often 
play a more prominent role in the development of thought and 
practice of independent Satanists than hir fraternal 
counterpart.  this may include illegal activities among the 
alienated or frustrated (e.g. desecration of cemeteries, 
graffiti of popular anti-Christian symbols and slogans, etc.).
the independent Satanist is likely to be just as aware of hir 
freedoms which might be jeopardized by such behavior, but she 
has no encapsulating organization or group ideology which 
inspire hir to conform.

the more intellectual and/or mature solitary reflects on 
favored artists in the creation of hir own religious 
rites, doctrines, hymns, icons and anthems.  unlike the 
organized and at times cultish Satanists, she accepts few 
if any authorities for hir Satanism beyond hirself, and 
therefore does not as often maintain a constent or ordinary 
line of belief.  it ranges widely, from conservative to 
liberal, scientifically acute to passionately artistic, 
radically political to the staunch fundamentalist.

what might serve as a foundation for independent Satanism in 
particular is the identification with the figure of Satan as 
heretic, genius, innovator, trailblazer, pioneer, and, sometimes, 
revolutionary.  this type of iconoclastic and inventive force is 
easier to express on one's own than within a group with which 
one is attempting to coordinate.
nocTifer (

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