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FAQs about Satanism

To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan,talk.religion.misc
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: FAQs about Satanism (was Re: Satanism FAQ)
Date: 27 Dec 1997 11:44:35 -0800

49971227 aa2 Hail Satan!

"Underground Panther" :
>nocTifer did this newsgroup 

two of them even. :>  I intend to expand this.

>a great service by posting CoS Rev. Matt Paradise's FAQ on Satanism, 
>Aquino's ToS FAQ on Satanism, and his own FAQ on Satanism and The 
>Great Martyrdom Cult.

well, TOKUS's, but I admit I wrote it. :>  I'm glad you found it so
serviceful.  at the TOKUS Website there are even two more I ran
across in various net-wanderings (previous alt.satanism FAQ, plus
IRC's #satanist Satanism FAQ).

>By comparing the three FAQs an intelligent person may work 
>through different concepts and actually THINK.

watch out.  it might be painful, especially the first few times.

>Does the atheist worship "athe"....  is a ventriloquist 
>a worshiper of "Ventriloqus"??  When why should the term 
>"Satanist" be a worshiper of Satan?

if the Satanist designs it so.

>Satanism: a religion of the self, a ritualization of our own 
>atheistic potentials, antagonistic to Christian principles by 
>natural inclination.

that's a lovely definition, sure.

>Belief and Worship were not engaged in by Satan in the Myths, 

come now, this is a bit of an overgeneralization.  I suppose
it depends on what one accepts of "the Myths", but at least in
Muslim tales Iblis/Shaitan worshipped Allah, some say SHe was
the most dedicated and beloved of all the angels, even after
'the Fall'.

>at least not after the Fall, 

again, I think that this might be over-reaching.  there
are so many different perspectives on Satan, from the Romantic
poets to Milton, Dante, Shaw, others.  belief is certainly an
element in some of even these post-Heavenly Satans.  some
Satans don't even require the Heavenly episode, portraying
Yahweh as just another tribal blowhard with an inflated ego
spreading false stories about his having made everything.
an example is my own anti-Milton poem at:

>so a Satan or Satanist shouldn't have to Believe or Worship

no religious has to believe or worship.  these are the
requirements of certain herds for membership, nothing more.

>Presumably, someone who believed in the Devil and God might say 
>God was lying a lot and Satan got fed up with it, 

and Satan isn't even the only Devil, Yahweh not the only God.

>so if Satan doesn't believe God's lies, why should a Satanist 
>believe Christianity's lies and myths in general??  

precisely my point above.  consider the Hindu-vs.-Zoroastrian
cosmologies: for one the devas are the heros, the asuras the
antagonists; for the other they are reversed.  who to believe?
perhaps they were both mistaken.  Gnostics, Luciferians, 
Yezidis, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Satanists; they all seem
to have different ideas about how things came to be and how
they now stand, and yet the elements of their religions have
many points of overlap and intersection.  variety is the spice
that makes Satanism so valuable.

>That's assuming you believe that bunk about the devil and god.  

there you go!  and then there are all the devils who were
just pre-Christian gods, and the gods who weren't any sort
of cosmic Creator.  the First Cause explanation can get old!

>I like the stories and identify with Satan, but I'm no chump!
>POSITION OF XTIANS: Satanists must by definition be chumps!!
>POSITION OF SATANISTS: Satanists by definition must be pretty 
>damn clever and skeptical!!

indeed, this is the divide I have labelled 'condemnation
vs. identification'.  Christian usage of 'Satan' and 'Satanist'
(sometimes 'satanist') tends to be critical, comdemning, and
ascribing all manner of evils and flaws to those with whom 
they associate the terms.  these are 'the outsiders' who are 
responsible for all that these conservative Christians can't 
stomach to ascribe to their "all-powerful" god.  

contrariwise, the Satanist is describing HIRSELF with this
term, and some ideal or entity of value with 'Satan'.  there
is a more respectful function of identification going on.  

one might as well say that 'Christian' is a description of 
weak-minded, cannibalistic, exclusivist monotheists bent on 
enslaving the world to their ignorant dogmas.  then 
'Christian' becomes the condemnatory term.  it is relative
to one's desires and the political effect of language use.

blessed beast! (nocTifer)
(emailed replies may be posted);; 408/2-666-SLUG
  join the esoteric syncretism in alt.magick.tyagi; 

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