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Deception, Adversarialism and Liberation

From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Re: Deception, Adversarialism and Liberation
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 11:55:56 -0800 (PST)

49980111 aa2 Hail Satan!

nocTifer regarding 'First Generation Martyrs' (satanists):
# > # > the first wave sets out the battle-lines, co-opting language
# > # > and attempting to turn cultural mores toward more liberal
# > # > and liberating directions, sometimes just striking out
# > # > against puritanism, full-force.

note, this is the PRESUMED OBJECTIVE.  it has important
effects in self-consciousness to apply willful resistance
to socialized norms.

# > #  Please explain how the first wave have encouraged the folk
# > #  to get in deeper contact with their self, instead of
# > #  getting deeper contact with the others, by focusing on
# > #  their (others') values, by waring agaisnt their norms?

# > by reflecting condemnatory language (the exteriorized shadow
# > of the oppressor) as self-identifications in labels and
# > personal tradition.  'sabbat', 'coven', 'witch', 'satanist',
# > 'black magic', 'black mass', 'child sacrifice', etc.
#  ( Perhaps I failed to express myself in english. I meaned to
#    ask about ways that are not "waring against their norms". )

no, I was just not expansive enough in description.

#  I doubt that the use of "mask of evil" will make common
#  people turn more liberal. For example, if the goal would be
#  to make people feel more positive about "liberal sex", it
#  most likely would be more effective to describe "liberal
#  sex" as something healthy, natural and enjoyable, instead
#  of speaking for it by provoking into sodomy, necrophilia
#  and such. Using such traditional icons of evil, one most
#  likely does more harm, than good. This as a tool of
#  propaganda. Naturally within the Darkist culture, these
#  symbols "should" be used with passion, desire and zero
#  repention - there, deep in the caverns and lairs of
#  Darkist diversity, the "liberal sex" is openly experienced
#  as what it is - sodomy, necrophilia and other such delights.

with all your ascriptive statements I very strongly agree,
but it seems to me that Sodomy (which I interpret as the
sexual energy turned toward nonprocreative ends), necrophilia
(which I have begun to understand as any association of the
thanatic current in combination with sexuality, inclusive of
Sodomic sex with corpses) and other 'delights' as you call 
them are only the more difficult SAMPLES of liberated 
sexuality of which we might speak.

the problem is that there IS a history of condemnation that
surrounds these terms and actions.  it achieves a cultural
momentum which, if one is not cautious, can rebound upon
the practitioner or expositor.  the first generation of
martyrs (satanists) commences the revolution by directly 
opposing this traditional condemnation, sometimes adjusting 
the interpretation of the terms to suit their preferences.

this initial opposition is very like a SWAT force which is
sent into enemy territory in order to clear sufficient
(psychological and behavioral) area so as to establish a
base of operations.  accompanying positives surrounding
the more acceptable styles (cf. the CoE's 'Sex is Good!'
and 'Thank you for not breeding.') establish more than 
merely an adversarial relationship to the surrounding 
culture and indeed to human nature.

in this way not only is the first generation combatting
their OWN programming (and thus achieving an important
measure of liberation merely by this act), but they are
assisting the reversal of sometimes centuries-old
traditional momentum and making possible new levels 
and styles of cultural manifestation. 

#  This, in my opinion, is the Satanic deception, not the
#  opposite, in which people are being frightened by evil
#  masks only to be given mild and casual substance. The
#  Satanic nature is that desire & passion are ever-growing
#  and -diversifying - if you give little finger to the Devil,
#  s/he will eat the whole tradition.

'evil masks' are so only by relation to one's shadow.  the
means of approaching this shadow can be gradual (as in a
conservative Jungian psychoanalysis) or immediate (through
daDaist activities which outrage and present the consciousness
with heretofore unacceptable symbols and rhetoric).  like a
kind of purging, such immediate means are sometimes catalysts
toward revolutionary change if they successfully integrate the
variety of the cultural milieu and steer it toward liberating
themes and results.  at worst they become fads and fanaticism.
#  ...and who by so doing demonstrates hir absolute lack of
#  comprehension in whatever s/he have read / heard - s/he
#  still is a Lightist by hir essence, as s/he equals light with
#  health?

exactly the ones.  this is also exemplified in the Neopagan
community by 'witches' who bemoan the (centuries-old)
association of the witch with poisoning, ugly hags, Sabbats
in which the Devil is worshipped, black cats and brooms,
and cannibalism (cf. Grimm's Fairy Tales for some excellent
examples here).
# > ...all apparently in preparation for what is to begin and
# > carry into full blossom at or just before the breaking of
# > the millenium.
#  Adorable. Do you have any scent on the nature of this
#  blossoming?

I think I was referring to the nature of my relationship to
my society and how deeply I will have penetrated its media
and social spheres.  in this sense it is more of a social
catalysis of which I am speaking than a personal revelation.
though as my traditional relationship with society has been
somewhat adversarial and fearful, I will of course come to
change and mature in the development.

# I feel a Cthulhu rising.

very interesting.  I would not have, based on my readings
of Lovecraft and others in reflection of him, associated
Cthulhu with a liberating quality (other than one which
the individual perceives but only in horrible deception).  
who or what is 'Cthulhu' to you and what results do you 
feel are likely to come from this 'rising'?
# > # What are the most essential changes in your perspective
# > # during these years?

# > this question appears based on a faulty premises ....


# > that I can ascertain with any degree of exactitude what might
# > be the most sublime or important developments at any time in
# > my life (esp. recently, false).
#  Im not sure about this. Naturally things which may not at
#  first seem important, may after years show up to be essential
#  etc. This often because of other things than the individual
#  hirself. Can such things give any merit for the individual?
#  I question it. Lucky bastards are blockages in the path of
#  more fit.

#  However it doesn't require much self-awareness to recognize
#  removal (thru expression) of complexes (mental blocks),
#  because it causes a remarkable sensation of mental
#  enjoyment - it feels as if a heavy burden had suddenly
#  disappeared, and one experiences perception of new paths and
#  possibilities. These are the moments the individuals often
#  like to describe as "great turns" in their life.

agreed.  many of the points I outlined included such removal
or the installation of new paradigms which served my development
in much more efficient ways.  however, my impression is that
the kinds of mental enjoyment and the removal of heavy burdens
of which you speak haven't occurred for me in the last few years 
in any degree of extremity.

perhaps this is because I have already done most of that through
my ascetic exploration (simplifying life to the greatest extent
I have been able), or my rededications (to various symbolic and
ideal targets), which in times past produced great moments of
exaltation and feelings of freedom, gratitude in comparison to
previous experience and the horror I watched around me.

perhaps it is because I am in a time of ground-laying and all
the fruits of my recent labors are dispersed to the future due
to their extensive involvements (social, perhaps more deeply
personal), my mental enjoyment surrounding the more laborious
and yet iconoclastic explorations in group studies and 
experiments but of a more reserved character.  such things
are very difficult for me to assess. 

#  Your Church has influenced the surfacing of my awareness
#  on the essential and desirable self-destructive parts 
#  of nature. Suicide, sodomy and cannibalism without a
#  question, 

I'm very glad to hear this.  when I came upon the Church of
Euthanasia I recognized it as professing the PRECISE style
of Satanism I knew to be at the core of my being.  intuitively
I understood as I looked more and more closely, that the
inspiration for its platforms and exortations were coincident
with my deepest values (Thelemic, Agapic) despite the
incidental difficulties I would sometimes experience when
approaching an inquiry about specific matters (cannibalism
in particular, interestingly enough).

# but I hesitate about abortion, because I think it doesn't 
# symbolize preventing actions well, 

Abortion is good death to the unwanted fetus.  it symbolizes
the prevention of projects half-formed and ill-timed.

# because it isn't a preventing action. 

where Sodomy fails, Abortion is the backup remedy.  it is the
prevention of procreation, and is especially important to the
Church of Euthanasia where the individual, or any legal system
which is able to exercise restraint on birthing (e.g. the more
responsible Chinese), decides that the pregnancy should not
come to term.

# Please explain me why abortion is desirable, as something else 
# than a poorly fitting symbol of prevention?

I'm not sure I completely understand the question you are asking
in relation to symbolism.  the common gist of Sodomy and Abortion
is the reduction of human reproduction.  this is a supremely
important regulator of population levels, the latter which the 
Church has targetted as the main item of our daDa to date.

of course the other factors to the spectrum of our focus are
consumption levels and the extension and consensual termination
of human life (which has until recently been the confined
significance of 'euthanasia').

I think that most CoE members would rather see abortion minimized
as an unnecessary byproduct after sterilization and sodomy have
become widespread.  however, while these remedies to the destruction 
and horror the human species is creating are not being taken,
abortion becomes an important adjunct necessarily demonstrating 
the ignorance and immaturity of our species.

as a means of birth regulation, given the predominant dissuasion
on contraception and sodomy practised by such propagandists as
the Roman Catholic Church, it is important that we place emphasis
on such statements as:


especially as the 25th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade approaches (0122).

# > if the focus on others' values or behaviors is attempted
# > for the purpose of obtaining *orientation*, then at worst
# > will come dismemberment, at best a thrashing that may
# > propel into liberation.         

#  Rebellion against norms and traditions of the society
#  is essential, but I don't see striving to question all the
#  norms of the society & experience all it's taboos, as
#  something important for the individual's process for self-
#  realization. It takes time from other targets, which the
#  individual may feel intuitive attraction towards. I favor
#  selfism and darkism over adversalism.

we are agreed that adversarialism is seldom a sufficient
container for one's life-dedication.  it too easily
becomes fanaticism.
#  I have been visiting your wonderful site for a year or
#  two now, for it is an impressive collection of material.
#  Most of all I value your Usenet Satanism archive.

thank you.  this is a joint-effort, substantially administered,
in the case of the Hollyfeld Esoteric Archive (including Usenet
directories), by Daniel Garcia (/Kender).

the TOKUS website is my construction which serves to highlight
the Satanic aspects of Hollyfeld while creating one of its
own drawn from offline and orgSatanist sources.

we are currently seeking mirror-sites for this material and
welcome the email of those who can assist us in facilitating this.

blessed beast!
nocTifer:  ---
TOKUS-COE Office: 408/2-666-SLUG --- Emergency Contraception:18005849911
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