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Controversial Religion and Public Review

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan,alt.satanism,talk.religion.misc
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: Controversial Religion and Public Review
Date: 11 Apr 1997 00:21:51 -0700

49961211 AA1  Hail Satan!  NULatix!

re: the relationship between religion, fringe and crime

for some, behaviors considered 'crimes' may in part become necessary 
and/or imperative in the fulfillment of one's religious path.  a good 
example of this is the Jewish Forest Rabbis who right now out 
protesting in the Headwaters for old growth forests, getting arrested 
for committing 'crimes' (trespassing, etc.).

there is an important area of conflict between religion and state, and
just because we don't want anyone whitewashing any particular (usually
minority) religion *as* crime (something which is often done by the
establishment in regards to Witchcraft and Satanism on account of its
ties to Urban Legends), I don't think this is reason to go overboard in
the other direction.

part of the problem is that in some measure what arises within the
neuvo-religious is *affected by the libels*.  it can be reasonably
asserted, for example, that to some degree there are riteforms and
terminology which have become meaningful BECAUSE of the condemnatory
charge associated with them by fundamentalist, often projecting and
accusatory religious, be they Christian or Muslim or whatever.

for this reason the libels should be plainly stated and the
approximations, where they can be discerned, should be elaborated
as is currently known, not placing absolute limitations on what the
various religious could or will do in this regard, but making it
quite plain what is typically practiced by adherents where known.

a good example here is a report by Doreen Valiente within one of
her publications (_ABC of Witchcraft_).  in it, she describes a 
group of Satanists (I have no reason to think that they are other 
than her ascription) who engage a kind of mock-human-sacrifice, 
including the effigy (a doll) of woman or girl, complete with 
theatrical blood/ketchup/intestines/etc.

not only is it important that this type of activity be known to all 
of us (on account of its controversy), but that it may be in some 
measure THERAPEUTIC TO THOSE WHO ENGAGE IT.  I'd suggest that the 
resemblance to urban legends of riteforms may promote a kind of 
deprogramming and yet hefty catalyzing element within the confines 
of otherwise conservative and (in essence) tame religious association.  

aspects of this can be seen within the sadomasochistic community, 
wherein certain community standards are often maintained but 
glorious, dangerous fantasies are to some extent encouraged 
and/or explored.

the main point, then, is that police officers should be made aware of
these types of experiments and practices in a manner which is neither
alarmist nor unduly prejudiced against these individuals.  this has
served communities such as that of sadomasochistic, bondage and
discipline, as well as that of the witchcraft and other cultures
which contained socially-sensitive behaviors or ideologies and
those which in some measure approximated Urban Legends and libels.

blessed beast!
see  and  call: 408/2-666-SLUG!!!
 ----  (emailed replies may be posted)  ----  CC public replies to author ---- 
 * * * Asphalta Cementia Metallica Polymera Coyote La Cucaracha Humana * * * 

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